Friday, May 16, 2008

Minutes of May meeting

May 13, 2008 Minutes
May meeting of the Washington County Democratic Party
The Washington County Democratic Party met in the Day Lounge at the Halcyon House on Tuesday, May 13, 2008. Chairperson Sandra Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:05pm with thirty-one individuals present.

John Greener introduced Dave Schweitzer who is seeking the office of Sheriff. Mr. Schweitzer said that he recently ordered signs for his campaign and that they will be up in a few weeks. He said that he is looking for a lot of assistance and guidance in his campaign. He was asked about the controversy surrounding the jail housing out-of-county inmates with no contracts. Mr. Schweitzer responded that he did not like the idea of not having a contract, he said, “it’s just not good business in my opinion.”

John Greener then introduced various candidates seeking the office of County Supervisor. Candidates included: Terry Phillips, Mike Roe, and Rodney Stogdill. Each candidate provided a brief campaign update and details of events that they had attended.

John Greener then introduced Larry Marek, candidate for the Iowa House of Representatives for our District. Mr. Marek introduced Chris Street. Mr. Street is his Campaign Manager and will be assisting Mr. Marek throughout his campaign. Mr. Marek detailed the many events that he has attended over the past month. Mr. Marek also said that he will be attending two events held for him in the near future. The first is a house party at the home of Linda Boston on May 31, 2008 from 2-4pm. The second event he discussed will be held in Pleasant Plain (Jeffeson County), also on May 31, 2008 beginning at 10am. More details of these events may be secured by calling Chris Street via email at: .

John Greener then asked that the three candidates for National Delegate to the National Convention to introduce themselves and speak briefly. The three candidates who spoke were: Faith Bromwhich, John Stellmach, and Tamra Schrock. Each candidate explained the issues important to them in this election cycle.

John Greener asked for Presidential candidate updates. Bonnie Banister spoke on behalf of Senator Clinton and Jay Santana spoke on behalf of Senator Obama.

John Greener informed all of the candidates that he has sign frame wire available for use at him home. He said to call him at (319) 653-5208 to set up a time to come get some wire.

It was announced by the Chairperson that Ms. Frakes was not able to attend the meeting and that she (Chairperson) did not have a hard copy of the minutes of the April meeting with her. Tony Rios made a motion to accept the meeting minutes from April, as published on the web site/blog. The motion was seconded by Terry Philips. There was no opposition to the motion and it carried. Said motion was approved and accepted by the Chairperson.

Kay Ciha gave the Treasure’s report. The Party began April 1, 2008 with $2015.90 cash on hand, had income of $680.00 (memberships) and expenditures totaling $440.13. Cash on hand May 13, 2008 is was $2,255.77. Jim Gorham made a motion to accept the Treasure’s report. Motion was seconded by Pete Morrison. Hearing no opposition to the motion, the Chairperson accepted and passed the motion.

At this time, the Chairperson called upon John Greener to detail upcoming events that the Party should plan at participating in. The first event discussed was Ridiculous Days which will be held on June 7, 2008 in Washington. It is believed that the parade will begin at 1pm. Whoopie Days will be held in Brighton on June 21, 2008. Trek Fest will be held in Riverside the last Saturday in June. The Washington County Fair will be held July 13-18 at the Washington County Fairgrounds. The executive committee will take care of setting up the booth. Jay Santana will work to schedule volunteers to man the booth throughout the fair.

Terry Philips spoke on behalf of the Veterans Caucus. The Caucus will next meet at the State Convention on June 14, 2008. He explained that the Veteran’s Caucus is one of the most active caucuses in our state. He provided some details about recent federal legislation that mandates that every county have a veteran’s services coordinator who is nationally trained/certified. The Veteran’s Caucus will be holding a Mid-West Regional Caucus meeting on August 1 and 2, 2008 at the Convention Complex in Riverside, Iowa. Mr. Philips informed the body that the Veteran’s Caucus is selling “2nd Call of Duty” bracelets for $2.00 each to anyone interested.

Headquarters Report was given by Jay Santana. He was able to negotiate the space located at 217 West Main Street for $350.00 month plus utilities. The Party takes occupancy on June 1, 2008. He requested that Party members assist by donating office furniture and/or supplies for use through November 2008. Pete Morrison will be assisting with telephone set up and IT concerns.
An open house is planned for June 7, 2008 from 2pm-4pm. Also, Tamra Schrock is planning an event for young democrats the same day following the open house—more information to follow as she gets committee members and a more solid plan.

A weiner roast is planned for September at Ferd Marie’s. More information to follow as it becomes available and the date gets closer.

David Smithers made a motion to have the Party endorse the three candidates for National Delegate. The motion was seconded by Mike Roe. A question was asked if we, as individual party members would have to decided on only one of the candidates; no we as the Party would be endorsing all three candidates. The motion was unopposed. The Chairperson accepted and approved the motion.

Kay Ciha explained the neighbor-to-neighbor postcard program and encouraged all party members to participate. Ms. Ciha explained the importance of the program.
The next meeting will be held June 10, 2008 at 7:oopm in the Day Lounge at the Halcyon House.
Motion to adjourn by Jim Gorham; seconded by Dave Schweitzer. Chairperson hearing no objections adjourned the meeting at 8:49pm

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Change in monthly meeting schedule

Due to several scheduling conflicts we are changing our meetings from the first Tuesday to the second Tuesday monthly. This revised schedule is effective for meetings May through December for 2008. Meetings will continue to be held at the Halcyon House complex in Washington.