
Statement of Principles

We believe the purpose of government is to act on behalf of the public good, to create and execute policies and laws that promote and protect everyone’s human rights equally, to protect our shared environment, to promote justice, safety and security and to oversee the equitable distribution of resources, affording all citizens the opportunity to attain their highest level of social, cultural, economic, mental, and physical well being. We support America’s role as a leader in the search for a just peace in the world. We are justly proud of America’s old party, its heritage, its accomplishments and its diversities. We are committed to the inclusion and full participation of diverse populations in our society, in the Washington County Democratic Party and in the democratic processes of government regardless of status within any protected class such as age, race, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical characteristics, associational preference, ethnicity, disability, illness, or language. 

Education is the foundation of Iowa’s future. We are committed to restoring Iowa’s legacy of educational leadership, setting the standard to which all others aspire. We are strongly committed to providing accessible, affordable, and quality education to all Iowans at all educational levels to assure that its benefits will be equally available to all people throughout their lives. We believe a free public education is the best means to that end.

As temporary stewards of our national resources, we demand that our governing bodies develop policies and laws promoting sound energy practices and permanently protecting our environment from wasteful and indiscriminate use. Clean air, clean water, and diverse ecosystems, including or state and national parks, oceans, rivers, lakes, and ancient forests are part of our children’s future and must be protected. As stewards of Iowa’s heritage, we cherish our land and family farms.

Therefore, we expect that for the endorsement and support of the Washington County Democrats, a candidate must commit to the ideals of the Washington County Democrats and strive to achieve a high percentage of the Washington County Platform Statement of Issues.