(As amended by the Democratic Party August 2007)
Section 1. Central Committee Membership
A. Members of the Central Committee may be removed from office as provided in Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a duly called meeting of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole providing that written notice of the proposed removal has been mailed to the member by the Secretary or other officer at least seven days prior to the meeting.
B. Any member automatically suspended in accordance with Article IV, section 4 of the Constitution shall not vote until reinstated by a majority of voting members present. Reinstatement shall not happen until the member personally requests reinstatement at a regular meeting of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole.
Section 2. The Washington County Democratic Committee Chair and Executive Committee
A. Between meetings of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, the Chair may approve gross expenditures of $50 for unbudgeted items necessary and appropriate to carry out the purposes of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole.
B. The Executive Committee shall meet, as needed, prior to each meeting of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, and at such other times and places as the Chair or a majority of its voting members shall direct. The Executive Committee shall adopt such procedures as may be appropriate to govern its meetings.
C. Between meetings of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, the Executive Committee may approve gross expenditures for unbudgeted items necessary and appropriate to carry out the purposes of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole. The total of unbudgeted expenditures authorized between The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole Chair under Section 2. A. and by the Executive Committee under this section shall not exceed $100.
D. Proposals for unbudgeted expenditures of over $100 must be approved by a majority vote of the members of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole present and voting at a duly called meeting.
E. The Executive Committee may, at its discretion, authorize individuals or organizations to use the party resources that result in no cost to The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, provided the individuals are registered Democrats, and the organization is promoting events or issues that do not conflict with the platform. A fee may be required for the use of such resources, which shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 3. The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole Officers and Standing Committee Chairs
A. Prior to each meeting of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, the Secretary shall cause the minutes of the previous meeting to be distributed electronically or by mail to members of The Washington County Democrats. Upon the direction of the Chair, the Secretary or other officer shall be responsible for providing notices of each Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole meeting and Executive Committee meeting in a timely manner according to the Constitution.
B. At or prior to each meeting of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, the Treasurer shall deliver a written report of the assets, liabilities, income, and expenses of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole. Such report shall be approved by a majority vote of members present and voting.
C. Officers and Standing Committee chairs may be removed from office as provided in Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a duly called meeting of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, providing that written notice of the proposed removal has been mailed to the officer by the Secretary (or in case notice is to be mailed to the Secretary, by the Treasurer) at least seven days prior to the meeting.
D. In the event of the resignation or removal of the Chair, the Vice Chair will serve as Acting Chair until an election is held. Such elections will be held at the next monthly meeting following the meeting at which the resignation or removal is announced.
E. In the event of the resignation or removal of any other officer, an election will be held at the next meeting following the meeting at which the resignation or removal is announced.
Section 4. Standing Committees
A. The Chair shall nominate persons to serve on each Standing Committee. Upon approval by The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, each elected person shall serve for two years or longer if re-elected.
B. The Affirmative Action committee shall promote recruitment of new members into the Iowa Democratic Party and encourage their full participation in the caucus/ convention, platform development, and delegate selection processes, and The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, with particular concern toward those groups, which have been historically under- represented in the Iowa Democratic Party.
C. The Platform Committee shall discuss and develop issues of use in forthcoming campaigns, and maintain record of such issues for use by county and legislative candidates. It may sponsor a candidate’s forum prior to each Democratic primary to permit candidates for office to present their views. In addition, the Committee Chair shall make available for a reasonable fee as determined by the Executive Committee paper copies of the platform adopted at the most recent County Convention; shall ensure that the Platform is available in convenient electronic format through the Party bulletin board or other means; shall distribute such platforms to caucuses in odd-numbered years; and shall advocate the platform to public officials. The Committee shall use whatever means it determines most useful for informing voters on the Democratic Platform and providing other such voter education as appropriate.
D. The Candidate Development Committee shall develop candidate recruitment and development programs; and shall carry out other tasks as needed to fulfill its responsibilities.
E. The Community Events Committee shall ensure that the Party is represented at all appropriate community activities, including parades, rallies, and other events, and shall regularly provide a list of upcoming events to Central Committee Members and other Democrats.
Section 5. Meetings
A. The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole may, by vote of a majority of the members present and voting at an official committee meeting, direct the Chair to call regular meetings at times and places selected by the committee.
B. In addition to regular meetings, the Chair may call special meetings pursuant to notice, as she/he deems necessary.
C. The members of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole who are present at any properly called meeting shall be deemed a quorum for the conduct of business.
D. Ordinary motions at Washington Democratic meetings shall be carried by a majority vote of those paid members in attendance.
E. The proceedings of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, except as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws, shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 6. Notice of Meetings
A. Notice of any meetings or action required by the Constitution or Bylaws shall be given by the Secretary or other officer in either electronic or written format, except as otherwise required by the Constitution or Bylaws. Notice shall include, at a minimum, the date, time, and place of the meeting or action. Notice under these provisions shall be provided in a specific communication only for the purpose of notice or if included as part of a general communication shall be offset so as to be readily visible and obvious to the reader.
B. Notice of the biennial meeting of the County Convention shall be provided as specified in the Constitution of the Iowa Democratic Party.
C. Notice of the biennial reorganization meeting of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole shall be provided as specified in the Washington County Democrats Constitution, Article V, Sec. 3.
D. Notice for any meeting in which an election is to be held for any Officer or Standing Committee Chair shall include specific information specifying that an election will be held and naming the office or offices, which will be elected at that meeting.
Section 7. Resolutions
Issue resolutions shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary prior to discussion by The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole. Issue resolutions shall be submitted to the Secretary five days prior to The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole and shall be copied by the Secretary and provided to The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole.
Section 8. Elected Officials
Any state or county elected official who is a registered Democrat (or any registered Democrat filling a state or county partisan office by appointment) representing part or all of Washington County who runs as a candidate against, or who supports another candidate for elected office who is running against a candidate nominated by the county, state, or national Democratic Party may be sent a letter of reprimand from the Chair of the Washington County Democratic Party if such action is determined by a majority vote of the members present and voting at a duly called meeting of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole. Such support that is subject to reprimand may include, but is not restricted to, the following; monetary contribution, a name listed in an advertisement, a name listed in campaign literature, or other public support of candidate.
Section 9. Non-partisan Endorsements
A. The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole shall not endorse a candidate for non-partisan elected office unless:
1. At least a majority of the members attending a meeting vote to consider an endorsement vote in a specified non-partisan race at the next regularly scheduled Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole meeting;
2. Notice of the consideration of an endorsement vote in said non-partisan race is included in the meeting notice for the next scheduled Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole meeting;
3. A platform-based questionnaire is sent to all candidates; and
4. At the next scheduled Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole meeting, at least two-thirds of the members attending vote in favor of endorsing a specific candidate.
B. The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole shall not endorse more candidates than there are available seats in any one race.
C. The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole shall not endorse a vote for or against a ballot issue or bond referendum unless:
1. At least a majority of the members attending a meeting vote to consider an endorsement vote at the next scheduled Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole meeting;
2. Notice of the consideration of an endorsement vote is included in the meeting notice for the next scheduled Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole meeting; and
3. At the next Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole meeting, at least two-thirds of the members attending vote in favor of an endorsement.
D. Neither The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole nor the Executive Committee shall support, or use its resources to support, any candidate for non-partisan elected office, or ballot issue or referendum position, over another candidate or position unless an endorsement has been made by The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole.
Section 10. Adoption and Amendment of Bylaws
A. These Bylaws shall be adopted by vote of a majority of members voting at The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole meeting, provided that the notice for the meeting clearly states that Bylaws are to be considered for adoption.
B. These Bylaws may be amended by vote of a majority of members of voting at an official Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole meeting, provided that the notice for the meeting clearly states that amendments to the Bylaws are to be considered.
C. Notice must either include the proposed Bylaws revisions or must provide a means by which any member may examine the proposed revisions in electronic or paper format at least seven days before the meeting at which they are to be considered.