Monday, February 27, 2012

New Poll on Equality

Des Moines Register Poll Shows Majority of Iowans Oppose Constitutional Amendment Banning Marriage Equality
56% oppose the Legislature passing an amendment to put on ballot

(Des Moines, IA)—Today, the Des Moines Register released their latest poll that included a question asking Iowans their opinion on the passage of a constitutional amendment banning marriage for gay and lesbian couples.

The Des Moines Register asked, “Here is an issue that may be debated in the Iowa Legislature this year. Please tell me if you favor or oppose the initiative: Pass a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.”

The poll found that 56% opposed such legislative action, while only 38% were in favor. 6% of Iowans are undecided.

In response to the numbers, One Iowa Interim Executive Director Calla Rongerude issued the following statement:

“With these poll numbers showing that 56% of Iowans oppose the Legislature from passing a constitutional amendment, we know that we are making progress towards valuing all families in Iowa.

We are proud that, once again, Iowa values—like the golden rule and treating people the way you want to be treated—have triumphed.

We are counting on these values of fairness and equality to continue to engage with Iowans in a conversation about real people and real families and the importance of love, commitment, and why marriage matters. We know that we can help people open their hearts and minds by having meaningful conversations about how marriage strengthens families with Iowans across the state.

These poll results also send a strong and clear message to the Legislature that the majority of Iowans oppose a harmful ban of the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples. We call on our legislators to fulfill their campaign promises of focusing on the issues that matter most to Iowans—creating jobs and improving education.

With growing support nationwide, One Iowa is committed to continuing our public education work to continue to increase public support for marriage and we look forward to the day when all families are valued.”

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Friday, February 24, 2012

County Convention - Reminder

Washington County Democratic Convention

When: Saturday, March 10, 2012

10:30 - 11:45 a.m.: Potluck/Registration
12:00 - 2:30 (est.) Convention

Where: Old Library, City Hall Chambers on the Main floor [handicap accessible] [Old Library across from the Washington Community Y]

Saturday, February 18, 2012

February Monthly Meeting - 2012


Meeting, Feb. 8, 2012

Fifteen Washington County Democrats met Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2012; in a second floor back meeting room of the Washington Public Library.

Chairman Peter Morrison called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the January monthly meeting were declared ready to be filed for the record, with one correction: For the March 10 county convention, the paragraph should read:

New Business. County Convention will be held from noon until about 2:30 p.m., March 10, 2012, in the main floor meeting room (council chambers) of the former Washington Public Library. We will be having a potluck at 10:30, with everyone encouraged to bring a favorite dish to share.”

We also discussed the actual time frame for the county convention and agreed that attendees could register/sign up beginning at 10:30 a.m. A potluck dinner will follow and should be finished (including cleanup) by about 11:30 or 11:45 a.m. The actual business of the county convention is scheduled to begin promptly at noon. This will be stated on the blog and Web site.

Treasure Kay Ciha gave the treasurer’s report and distributed printed copies. Cash on hand on Jan. 11, 2012, was $1,554.67. There was no income. Expenses were for stamps and envelopes totaling $147.01. Cash on hand on Feb. 8, 2012, was $1,407.66. Kay reminded us that it is time for annual dues.

Chairman Pete Morrison gave the Report of the Chair, on post-caucuses. The packets of information from the caucus were sent to the Iowa Democratic Party on Jan. 12. Numbers of delegates representing the various precincts were: Precinct 1, five delegates; Precinct 2, five delegates; Precinct 3, six delegates, Precinct 4, five delegates; Riverside, about eight delegates; Kalona, five delegates; English River, three delegates.

Old Business. Caucus material had been sent to Iowa Democratic Party by priority mail, and the IDP had acknowledged by e-mail that everything we needed to send them had been received. A few registrations went to the auditor’s office.

Names of delegates have been sent in. In some cases we did not receive a complete list. There had not been a designation on the forms to list e-mail addresses, etc. We are short some delegates -- Brighton, for instance, has no delegates. Pete plans to notify as many delegates as he can, by e-mail. Terry said we would not need to worry about precincts for county convention as long as we have the full number of delegates. We need 40 percent of the required 50 delegates there -- which could mean less than 25 delegates needed to fill the requirement. Convention-goers can be seated as delegates as necessary.

The Platform Committee had not met at the time of the February meeting. There was discussion on naming a committee member to be chair, as none of the committee members had expressed willingness to serve as Platform Committee chair. Pete stated that we would be going with the platform from 2010. There are a number of suggestions and changes to be considered for the 2012 platform. The Platform Committee members will consider the multi-page list of suggestions eventually. Also, the Constitution and bylaws from Second District will be finalized in April 2012.

There is a Resolutions Committee, and Pete got a county convention guide sheet from IDP, about 36 pages long -- some of which he said did not seem to make much sense. He will try to get a Rules Committee and send the members’ names to IDP this week.

We were reminded that the county convention would take the place, of the regular monthly Democratic Party meeting for March, as was also the case in 2010.

New Business. We discussed advertising for the county convention, and it was the consensus that there would be no need to advertise. Adhali Larios-Hernandez said it could be done via social media. We did agree that, for notifying the public of the convention, we would have an announcement on KCII Radio and on the “community calendar” section of The Washington Evening Journal.

In the Second District, Harvey has resigned as treasurer and Webmaster. Sandy Dockendorff has been named to that position. At least the Second District has been informed about the time and date of the county convention. Kay said she enters dates and times of our meetings on the Facebook page.

Sandra Johnson is in charge of securing the location for the convention and seeing that we are able to get into the site (former public library in Washington) in time to get set up. Sandra is also in charge of people to help with tables, etc. Pete delegated Kay to be in charge of food arrangements. Kay has plates, etc., from the last event.

Upcoming Events. Second District convention is April 28. Second District meeting is Feb. 26 at Fort Madison High School. This Saturday, Feb. 11, there is a campaign strategy discussion in the Indiana Room at Iowa Memorial Union at 5:45 p.m., to discuss potential candidates -- for instance, for the Senate district. Jared, for Representative Dave Loebsack, will be in the Washington Chamber of Commerce next Wednesday from 10 a.m. until noon and available for anyone who wishes to speak to him about some issues.

Two guests attended the meeting. Sara Sedlacek announced herself as a candidate for House District 88, and has plenty of volunteer opportunities for anyone willing to spend time throughout Muscatine, Louisa and Des Moines counties. Some of her work experiences include being editor of a West Liberty newspaper. She was a former Culver staff member, worked for two months in Chicago on the mayoral race, and then returned to Iowa and worked in the Iowa House. She and her husband bought a house and the coffee shop in West Liberty. Her opponent is Tom Sands, House Ways and Means Chair. District 88 is very eager to get some real representation. Iowa’s highest Latino population is in her district. There are 160 more Democrats than Republicans, but there are a lot more Independents. Democrats represent probably 39 percent, and there are lesser percentages for the Republicans and the Independents. She has strong support around Columbus Junction and could use our help especially in Des Moines County. She is also looking for a campaign manager.

LeAnne Hassman, of near Kalona, was also a guest. She was there to observe what the Democratic Party is doing.

Kay brought up the fact that Richard Gilmore is running for the county supervisor seat in District 4, and she will run for the county supervisor seat in District 1. Kay has a smaller percentage of Democrats than Republicans in her district.

Motion was made and seconded to adjourn, motion passed, and meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Stark, Secretary

Monday, February 13, 2012

New - You Tube video catching fire with youth!

Not something the Republicans want to hear this year! Double click on the video.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Loebsack Event - Democratic Conference

A Democratic Conference for Dave Loebsack, our 2nd District Congressman, was held at approximately 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 11, 2012. The conference was held at the Iowa Memorial Union on the University of Iowa campus, and sponsored by the University Of Iowa Young Democrats.

The general purpose of the conference was to update and inform those present, on the status of both the new layout of the 2nd District and the new challenge faced by Dave in the upcoming November 2012 election.

In addition to Dave, the featured speaker was Rep. Steve Israel, the Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Rep. Israel discussed the strategic importance of Congressman Loebsack's race on both a local and national level.

A Power Point presentation highlighted the focus of the campaign effort over the next several months, leading to Dave's re-election. It was clearly outlined just how important the re-election of Dave Loebsack will impact both the 2nd District and also the State of Iowa and the nation.

The event was well received by all of those in attendance, including Peter Morrison, Washington County Chairperson and Adhali Larios, Affirmative Action, chair of Washington, Iowa.

We had the opportunity to discuss important work in Washington County in the Spring, Summer and Fall of this year, and the cooperative participation of Iowa university students during the campaign this summer and fall.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Initial Look at Democratic IA Senate [42] Candidates

The area counties incorporating the new IA Senate District 42, had the opportunity provided by the Henry County Democrats to introduce themselves to the public and answer a few questions from the audience.

The Henry County Democrats hosted the event and the moderator was County Chair Dave Helman.