Washington County Democrats – August 9, 2016 (7:00 pm), Art Domestique
The Washington County Democrats met at Art Domestique on Tuesday, August 9, 2016. Vice Chairperson Richard Gilmore called the meeting to order at 6:58pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The minutes of the July meeting were approved as posted to the blog.
Treasurer’s Report for August 9, 2016: Kay Ciha presented the treasurer's report with updates to membership fees, donations and the candidate fund. New expenses include payment for parade candy ($78.18) and a reimbursement to Steve Maxon for fuel ($40.00). Motion to approve, seconded and passed.
Report of the Vice Chair:
Today’s guests are Karen Knapik, Clinton staffer, who is staying with the Greeners until mid-November, and Jacob ____. Karen spoke briefly about her immediate goals, which are to focus on getting absentee ballots out as well as commit to vote cards.
On August 13th, the 2nd District Committee will meet at Art Domestique with Sandy Dockendorff as the new Chairperson.
Old Business:
Office/Headquarters: The Washington County office/headquarters for the democratic party candidates will be at Art Domestique. There is a goal of September 1st for opening the office.
Mills Seed Bldg: Terry Phillips reported that he’s putting in a handicap ramp and it should be done by Aug 31. The committee and campaign can use it for get out the vote and other activities.
County Fair: Everything went well with good conversations with supporters.
New Business:
Volunteers: We need to focus on getting volunteers to start activities. Karen plans to start with Farmer’s Market days with vote commit cards, absentee ballots, etc. The ideal time to recruit volunteers is August through mid-September. Mid-September to the end of October is the big push.
Laptop phonebank application: Currently in the works is a laptop phonebank application to help volunteers with calls. However, the campaign will also have paper versions for those who are uncomfortable with technology.
Committee Reports:
Affirmative Action: No report
Candidate Development: No report
Community Events: No report
Platform Committee: No report
Next meeting will occur on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 7:00 pm at Art Domestique.
Motion to adjourn, seconded & passed. Adjourned at 7:46 pm.