The Washington County Democrats met at Art Domestique on Tuesday, September 13, 2016. Vice Chairperson Richard Gilmore called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The minutes of the August meeting were approved as posted to the blog.
Treasurer’s Report for September 13, 2016:
Kay Ciha presented the treasurer's report with updates to membership fees, donations and the candidate fund. New expenses include a reimbursement to Steve Maxon for fuel ($40.00). Motion to approve, seconded and passed.
Report of the Vice Chair: Today's guests are Karen Knapik, Carlo, the organizer out of Johnson County, and Ryan Siskow, Keokuk County Democrats chairperson.
Ryan wants to collaborate on campaigning efforts with Washington County. He has volunteers ready to do phone calling, door knocking or other activities, as needed.
Karen announced her resignation as the area coordinator. The Clinton campaign is looking for a highly motivated and organized individual to take over management of her turf assignment. The paid position will be full time for 7.5 weeks and it would be a bonus if it was someone local. It is expected that this person will make 200 calls daily, which takes approximately four hrs/day with some knocking on doors. The staffing possibilities and budget is much different this year than in the past, as IDP reviewed the issues from previous campaign efforts and adjusted accordingly. In the meantime, Carlo will leave three burner phones for volunteers to use for phone calling.
The 2nd District meeting will take place on October 8th in Burlington.
Old Business:
Office/headquarters: IDP will not support an office in Washington County at this time. The committee needs to re-vote on whether or not we’ll pay for an office out of the accounts. Art Domestique can be the office of the Washington County Democrats but Terry Philips has volunteered Mills Seed as a staging location for coordinating call packets, walking packets, etc. Mills Seed is an LLC and can’t be paid funds for reimbursement. Volunteers will be phone banking the next two Saturdays at Mills Seed 9-11am.
Motion to approve; seconded. Motion failed.
An amendment was made to have Mills Seed as a staging location. Motion approved, seconded, and passed.
New Business:
Meet & Greet for Loebsack/Judge/Dvorsky/Kimberly/Taylor & Get out the Vote & Fall Fundraiser event: On Sunday, Oct 23, we'll host an early afternoon dessert event at 1:30pm at Art Domestique. Robin Plattenberger Gilmore will chair the organizing committee. Pete Morrison will invite candidates and legislators. The committee will consider radio advertising once details are finalized. Motion to approve, seconded and passed.
The central committee will invite voters to join them in voting together on the first day of voting on Thursday, September 29. Everyone will meet by 8:30am at Art Domestique and walk over to the courthouse to vote.
Karen brought yard signs for individuals to take.
Committee Reports:
Affirmative Action: none
Candidate Development: none
Community Events: none
Platform Committee: none
The next meeting is October 11, 2016 at 7:00 pm at Art Domestique.
Motion to adjourn, seconded & passed. Mtg adjourned at 8:11pm.