10. October, 2008 Minutes
The Washington County Democrats met in the Day Lounge at Halcyon House on Tuesday, October 14, 2008. Chairperson Sandra Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with 28 people present.
The minutes of last months meeting were approved. The treasurer’s report was given showing a balance of $2986.16. The report will be filed for audit.
Two of the five candidates for Supervisor were present and they gave a report. Candidate for District 1, Bob Goodrich, reported that he has given interviews to the papers and that a group of Brighton Republicans has invited him to come speak to them. He also talked to the group about Home Health Care and a seminar on that that he has attended. He invited people to come to a candidate forum in Wellman on October 16th at 7:00 pm.
Candidate for District 3, Rodney Stogdill, reported that he has quite a few signs out and that people may pick up signs from the Democratic Headquarters. He invited people to come to a candidate forum on October 23rd. He also reported that there is an Independent running in his district.
Dave Schweitzer, candidate for sheriff, said that he has been spending a lot of time in the northern part of the county and has felt that he is being well received. He still has some signs left that need to get put out. He is also sending out a flyer. He invited people to attend all three candidate forums: October 16th in Wellman, October 20th in Washington, and October 23rd in Kalona. He reported that a donor has purchased 30 thirty second spots on KCII for him. Lastly, Dave asked for volunteers to help with phone calls.
Jared from the Loebsack office, asked people to write letters to the editor in support of Congressman Loebsack. He said there are Loebsack signs available in the Democratic Headquarters. He said that Congressman Loebsack will be in a TV debate with his opponent on October 21st on KCRG. KCRG, channel 9 studio, is located at 501 2nd Avenue and they would like a visibility group to gather there at 6:00 pm. He urged anyone interested to come and be a part of that.
Chris Street spoke for the Larry Marek campaign. He reported that Larry’s first commercial is on TV. He asked for volunteers to help with calling.
Terry Philips reported that he has been appointed by the County Supervisors to the Washington County Veterans Commission. Terry has buttons and bumper stickers that read “Veterans for Dave” or “Veterans for Obama”. These can be picked up from Terry or from Democratic Headquarters.
Kay Ciha, treasurer, reported that there are now 75 paid households.
Jay Santana reported that the Washington County website is up and running. He needs information on all the candidates, except Bob Goodrich. Bob’s information is already on the website. E-mail Jay any information you’d like to see posted on the website.
Under Old Business it was reported that there was a good turn out at the wiener roast. A surprise guest was Congressman Loebsack. This will be an annual event, but Ferd would like it to move to September.
There was a discussion about ads for the papers: which papers and what size ads.
Under New Business Harold Frakes moved that the county party give $1000 to the Dave Schweitzer campaign, $500 to the Larry Marek campaign, $100 to each of the Supervisor campaigns, put a $227 ad in the Washington Evening Journal (4 x 8 ) and a $200 ad in the Wellman Advance and Riverside Current (4 x 10). Terry Philips seconded. Motion passed.
It was announced that there are Obama/Biden signs available in the Democratic office.
Second District representative David Smithers has resigned. John Greener nominated Harold Frakes to fill this position. Terry Philips seconded. Harold withdrew his name stating that we needed to have gender balance. Harold nominated Doris Park to fill the position. Jay Santana seconded. Motion passed.
Harold Frakes moved that the Fundraiser Dinner become an annual event and that the Executive Board find a date in October (perhaps the third Sunday). Motion passed. Secretary Louise Frakes was instructed to reserve the 4-H building and to invite Senator Harkin to be our guest speaker.
There was discussion about “Get Out the Vote”. John Greener reported that 3 Obama workers will be staying at his home. There may be other workers who will need housing. We will need people to knock on doors, make phone calls, supply food for the office, be poll watchers, runners, and provide rides to the polls. No action was taken.
Jay Santana reported that Monday, November 3rd, will be The Big Day for making phone calls and knocking on doors. Chris Street passed around volunteer sheets so people could sign up..
It was reported that some people had gotten phone calls saying they can vote by phone. This is NOT TRUE. You must either vote early at the Court House or go to your polling place on Election Day.
Jay Santana reported that the Democratic Headquarters would be open for Presidential Debate watching on Wednesday, October 15th.
An Election Night Party was discussed. Jay Santana will check on the possibility of renting the Soup Kitchen for such a party. More information will come out later.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 11 at 7:00 pm in the Day Lounge at Halcyon House.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectively submitted,
Louise Frakes, secretary.