WEDNESDAY, March 11, 2009
March Minutes
Minutes of March and Re-Organizational Meeting
The Washington County Democrats met at the Day Lounge at Halcyon House on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 with 27 members present. In the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair, Past Chair John Greener called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm with the group reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing “God Bless America”.
Minutes of the last meeting were provided in written form for the group. Minutes were also posted on the blog.
Treasurer Kay Ciha presented the current Treasurer’s Report, and written copies were provided to the group, said report reflected a balance of $1,332.62 and will be filed for audit.
The Treasurer gave a membership report. We had 43 households who have paid their 2009 dues. Membership written report will be filed for record.
The nomination committee was asked to provide the group with recommendations for officer positions and chairperson positions of the various committees.
Diane Schaeffer, Nominations Comm. member made the recommendation of Louise Frakes for Chairperson. Motion was made by Diane Schaeffer and seconded that she be a nominee. Nominations were requested from the floor and finding none, motion was made and seconded that Louise Frakes be elected to the position of Chairperson for the ensuing term.
Louise Frakes immediately took the position of Chairperson pursuant to previous guidelines and provisions. Louise noted that in the previous minutes, the name of Jay Santana had been offered by the nomination committee for the position of Chair but that he had recently indicated that he would not be able to serve for personal reasons. The Chair asked the Nomination committee to proceed.
Diane Schaeffer, Nominations Comm. member made the recommendation of Dave Schweitzer for Vice-Chairperson. Motion was made by Diane Schaeffer and seconded that he be a nominee. Nominations were requested from the floor and finding none, motion was made and seconded that Dave Schweitzer be elected to the position of Vice-Chairperson for the ensuing term. The Chair asked the Nomination committee to proceed.
Diane Schaeffer, Nominations Comm. member made the recommendation of Peter Morrison for Secretary. Motion was made by Diane Schaeffer and seconded that he be a nominee. Nominations were requested from the floor and finding none, motion was made and seconded that Peter Morrison be elected to the position of Secretary for the ensuing term. The Chair asked the Nomination committee to proceed.
Diane Schaeffer, Nominations Comm. Member made the recommendation of Kay Ciha for Treasurer. Motion was made by Diane Schaeffer and seconded that she be a nominee. Nominations were requested from the floor and finding none, motion was made and seconded that Kay Ciha be elected to the position of Treasurer for the ensuing term. The Chair asked the Nomination committee to proceed.
Diane Schaeffer, Nominations Comm. member made the recommendation of the following persons for Second District Central Committee: Harold Frakes, Doris Parks and Steve Maxon. Motion was made by Diane Schaeffer and seconded that they be the nominees. Nominations were requested from the floor and finding none, motion was made and seconded that Harold Frakes, Doris Parks and Steve Maxon be elected to the position of members of the Second District Central Committee for the ensuing term. The Chair asked the Nomination committee to proceed.
Terry Philips asked that committees have the opportunity to meet and recommend chairpersons. The issue was discussed and the constitution was read regarding the issue. The Chair, based upon her interpretation of the constitutional provisions ruled the matter out of order and suggested that if anyone had problems with the constitutional procedures that they take it upon themselves to recommend a change in the constitution at the appropriate time designated for constitutional changes and amendments.
The Chair asked the Nomination committee to proceed.
Diane Schaeffer, Nominations Comm. member made the recommendation of Katherine Salazar for Chairperson of the Affirmative Action Committee. Motion was made and seconded that she be a nominee. Nominations were requested from the floor and finding none, motion was made by Diane Schaeffer and seconded that Katherine Salazar be elected to the position of Chairperson of the Affirmative Action Committee for the ensuing term. The Chair asked the Nomination committee to proceed.
Diane Schaeffer, Nominations Comm. member made the recommendation of Matt Schaeffer for Chairperson of the Platform Committee. Motion was made and seconded that he be a nominee. Nominations were requested from the floor and finding none, motion was made by Diane Schaeffer and seconded that Matt Schaeffer be elected to the position of Chairperson of the Platform Committee for the ensuing term. The Chair asked the Nomination committee to proceed.
Diane Schaeffer, Nominations Comm. member made the recommendation of Rose Jaynes for Chairperson of the Candidate Development Committee. Motion was made and seconded that she be a nominee. Nominations were requested from the floor and finding none, motion was made by Diane Schaeffer and seconded that Rose Jaynes be elected to the position of Chairperson of the Candidate Development Committee for the ensuing term. The Chair asked the Nomination committee to proceed.
Diane Schaeffer, Nominations Comm. member made the recommendation of Harold Frakes for Chairperson of the Community Events Committee. Motion was made by Diane Schaeffer and seconded that he be a nominee. Nominations were requested from the floor and finding none, motion was made by Diane Schaeffer and seconded that Harold Frakes be elected to the position of Chairperson of the Community Events Committee for the ensuing term. The Chair asked the Nomination committee to proceed.
Diane Schaeffer, Nominations Comm. member made the recommendation of Tami Schweitzer for Chairperson of the County Convention Committee for Arrangements. Motion was made by Diane Schaeffer and seconded that she be a nominee. Nominations were requested from the floor and finding none, motion was made and seconded that Tami Schweitzer be elected to the position of Chairperson of the County Convention Committee for Arrangements for the ensuing term. The Chair asked the Nomination committee to proceed.
Diane Schaeffer, Nominations Comm. member made the recommendation of John Stellmach for Chairperson of the County Convention Committee for Rules. Motion was made and seconded that he be a nominee. Nominations were requested from the floor and finding none, motion was made by Diane Schaeffer and seconded that John Stellmach be elected to the position of Chairperson of the County Convention Committee for Rules for the ensuing term. The Chair asked the Nomination committee to proceed.
Diane Schaeffer, Nominations Comm. member made the recommendation of Diane Schaeffer for Chairperson of the County Convention Committee for Credentials. Motion was made by Diane Schaeffer and seconded that she be a nominee. Nominations were requested from the floor and finding none, motion was made and seconded that Diane Schaeffer be elected to the position of Chairperson of the County Convention Committee for Credentials for the ensuing term.
The Chair then made an announcement of new committee members as follows:
Affirmative Action Committee
Katherine Salazar, Chair.
Carol Ray
Shirley Pfeiffer
Matt Schaeffer
Mike Mitchel
Susan Mitchel
Platform Committee
Matt Schaeffer, Chair.
Steve Maxon
Doris Park
Bonnie Bannister
Richard Gilmore
Margaret Marie
Jan Gallagher
Candidate Development
Rose Jaynes, Chair.
Terry Philips
Merle Hagie
Joann Zager
Kay Ciha
Rodney Stogdill
Community Events
Harold Frakes, Chair.
John Greener
Diane Schaeffer
Tamra Schrock
Tom Antosiak
Dave & Tami Schweitzer
Bob Spenner
The chair. Called for a report of the Veterans Caucus. The Caucus chair called for and was given 5 minutes to organize, then presented a short report by chairmen Terry Phillips. Terry Philips had been chosen chairman.
No other caucus group made any presentation when requested from the Chair.
The Chair called for old business, including a report of the audit committee.
Kay Ciha indicated that the audit committee had been unable to meet but would try to meet in the future. The chair noted that no other old business had been brought to her attention and none was offered from the floor.
New Business: The Chair noted that we now should appoint a budget committee and stated that the following persons are hereby appointed to the budget committee: Kay Ciha, Treasurer as Chairperson, also Diane Shaffer and Rich Gilmore. It was noted that the Budget committee would be making a 2-year budget that will be presented in May.
The Chair noted that we now should appoint a rapid response committee and stated that the following persons are hereby appointed to the rapid response committee: Harold Frakes, Matt Schaeffer and John Stellmach. The committee will respond to legislative issues.
It was noted by Sandra Johnson, that there was scheduled a 2nd District Meeting on March 21st, 2009 in Riverside, Iowa at the Trinity Church, to be held at 1:00 p.m. and would be a pot luck.
A conscientious attempt was made to discern the feelings of the group on the following political issues:
1. Choice of Dr. – employee related accident
2. Fair Share
3. Prevailing Wage
4. Scope of Bargaining
5. Gender Equity
Harold Frakes gave a brief explanation of each legislative issue and John Stellmach encouraged everyone to contact Senator Schmitz and Representative Marek on these issues.
The Chair noted that there would be a short meeting of new officers and chair people after adjournment.
The Chair indicated that the next meeting would be held Tuesday, April 14th, 7:00 p.m. at the Halcyon House.
Members were invited to stay for “coffee and cookies” and continue their discussions of the evening’s business after the meeting is adjourned. Ione Burham was in charge of the coffee and treats.
The Chair called for any other business and finding none the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Peter G. Morrison, Secretary