Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 2010 Meeting Minutes

Monday, February 15th, 2010

February Minutes

Minutes of February Meeting

The Washington County Democrats met in the Day Lounge at Halcyon House on Monday, February 15th, 2010, with 13 individuals present. The Chair, Louise Frakes, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the group reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the last meeting held on January 12, 2010 were provided in written form for the group. Minutes were also posted on the blog and sent to all of those with e-mail addresses. A request for any changes or additions was made and hearing none, the minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer Kay Ciha presented the current Treasurer’s Report, and written copies were provided to the group, said report reflected a balance of $3,538.68, she further noted that several members had paid their dues for 2010 and handouts outlining 2010 dues notice were handed out at the meeting and also sent to those with e-mail addresses, the report was approved and will be filed for audit.

The Chairperson asked Barb Edmonson as the Washington County attorney and running for re-election to speak. Barb indicated that she now had a person running on the Republican ticket against her. She commented that this would be a more difficult campaign with an opponent, and outlined that she will be working harder to win in a Republican County like Washington, but that she had the experience and skills to beat her opponent.

Steve Maxon and Doris Park commented on the affairs of the 2nd District and indicated that the 2nd District Convention would be held in Fairfield this year.

Old Business:

The Chairperson reported on the Precinct Caucuses, as follows:

· New precinct captains were named, and a listing of those individuals, were provided to the group.

· Delegates to the County Convention were named, and a listing of those individuals, were provided to the group.

· Alternate Delegates to the County Convention were named, and a listing of those individuals, were provided to the group.

· The members elected to the Platform & Committee on Committees were announced and a listing of those individuals was provided to the group.

· Some suggestions for changes: How to get more people out? How to fill the number of delegate spots? Also, phoning and e-mail of those elected was suggested.

An update on the status of the web site was requested and Pete Morrison indicated that the home page was only lacking a few links and that the other 4 pages were being designed. He also noted that the site was contracted for 3 years and at a much lower cost than the budgeted amount.

The Chair indicated that plans needed to be made regarding the County Convention in March, as follows:

· It was decided that a continental breakfast would be served with coffee, tea and juice, noting that water is available.

· The starting time of the breakfast would be 8:30 a.m. and the convention would start at 9:00 a.m., at the new Washington Public Library in the 2nd floor meeting rooms.

· Any changes to the By-laws or Constitution needs to be out to members by 14 days before the Call to Convention.

· The question was asked about how we felt about a Saturday Convention/Caucus? Everyone seemed to agree that it was OK.

· The Platform committee, should meet before the convention, Matt Schaeffer is the Chair.

· The Committee on Committees should meet before the convention, and the Chairs are Diane Schaeffer & Tamara Schweitzer.

It was suggested that alternates be elected to attend 2nd District meetings. Pete Morrison and Kay Ciha volunteered to act as alternates. Steve Maxon made a motion to elect Pete Morrison and Kay Ciha as alternates, seconded by Pete Morrison, and all approved.

Rose Jaynes was not present, so the chair mentioned that a few prospective candidates were in the works to be proposed in the future.

The Chairperson called for other old business and finding none moved to new Business.

New Business:

The chair brought up the idea of having a retreat for the purpose of future planning. After a brief discussion, it was determined that we needed to solicit ideas via e-mail to members and tackle that issue at the March meeting.

A request was made to consider a fundraiser for Dave Loebsack. Carol Ray made the motion to schedule a fundraiser for Dave Loebsack, seconded by Steve Maxon and motion carried.

The Chair indicated that the following events are scheduled:

· Washington County Convention: March 13, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. to be held at the new Washington Public Library in the 2nd floor meeting rooms.

· The District Convention: April 24, 2010 in Fairfield, Iowa.

· The State Convention: June 12, 2010 in Des Moines.

Members were invited to stay for “refreshment and treats” and continue their discussions of the evening’s business after the meeting is adjourned. Louise Frakes provided treats for this evenings meeting.

The Chair called for any other business and finding none, the meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m.

Next meeting will be held March 9, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter G. Morrison, Secretary