Wednesday, September 15th, 2010
September Minutes
Washington Democratic Meeting Minutes for September 15, 2010
Chairperson Louise Frakes called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. There were 25 Democrats present.
Chairperson Louise Frakes asked for approval of the minutes of the August meeting, which were posted on the Washington Democratic blog. Jim Gorham made a motion to approve the minutes and Bob Spenner seconded the motion.
The treasurer’s report, was given by Kay Ciha, Treasurer. The cash available to date was stated as $1,335.76.
Chairperson Louise Frakes asked members to sign a petition for the satellite voting to be held in Riverside. She also explained that Rachel Berdo from St. James School had requested a T-shirt to represent the Democrats for the schools fall fest to be auctioned off. The shirt brought $150. Louise also had four of Francis Thicke’s books and these were sold to members. The proceeds will go to the Francis Thicke campaign.
Chairperson Louise requested that each city/community have a coffee for the candidates for one event and possibly get 20 or more people to attend as well as to invite the newspaper and other media to these functions. She asked members to sign up after the meeting.
The Chairperson then asked representatives of the candidate or candidates to update the group on events and activities.
Larry Marek reported that he has spent time at breakfasts, golf events and he was named the Friend of Iowa Business and is working hard to get more jobs in Iowa. The Listening Post at the Presbyterian home hosted by Jim Redlinger invited him to speak. The League of Women Voters in Iowa City has set their Forum for October 12th from 7-9 pm. He has also been invited to speak at Lake Darling to address the I-Fund. Washington debates will be October 18th at 6:00 pm. On October 22nd he will be attending a seminar in Cedar Rapids on keeping elders in their homes. Louise Frakes encouraged members to use these events and interests as talking points.
Loebsack’s Representative, Alex reported that the first debate was in Coralville and it went well. She asked members to take signs and literature when door knocking.
Becky Schmitz’s campaign manager reported that we have 45 days left to election. Becky’s campaign is transitioning to phoning and knocking on doors. They are looking for volunteers to do phone and run on a regular schedule. Call and chase will happen on the 18th of September, from 1-4 pm if people can come. The campaign will need volunteer shifts the week before elections and the week of election.
Terry Phillips reported for Veterans Affairs. He reported that their website is up and running.
It is:
The Veterans caucus is very active. They are trying to see if veterans could have a designated symbol on the driver’s license, which could be helpful to vets. Larry Marek is working to support this idea.
Louise stated that the Frakes may host a Farm Day on October 9th and invited everyone to attend if it happens. She will notify people by email. Ferd Marie will be having his Weiner Roast October 19th at 5:30 pm. She also reminded members of the fund raising dinner to be held on October 17th Sunday at noon. Each member is requested to sell 10 tickets. Iona Burham requested she have the count of the meals by the 11th of October. The T-shirt discussion was delayed until the next meeting.
Rose Jaynes reported how good Governor Culver was on National TV talking about why the state of Iowa has one of the lowest unemployment in the country. It is due to the jobs created by the legislature supporting new infrastructure in the state and also due to the support of wind energy which has brought many jobs to Iowa.
Terry Phillips moved that the second Tuesday meeting time be changed. Bob Spenner seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Terry Phillips moved to have our next meeting on Thursday, October 7. Bob Spenner seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Reverend Burham spoke in support of Barbara Edmondson, running for re-election in the County Attorney race. Larry Brock [R], who is running against Barb Edmondson, has sent a letter to people in Washington. Robin Plattenburger, read the letter for Reverend Burham. Discussion followed.
Specific requests by Lauren for the pre-election time frame:
1. Sign pledge to serve 3 hours a week for 7 weeks
2. Vote by Mail
3. Sept 18, Chase and run program
4. Sept 24, Friday, Early vote day, there will be noon gathering of Democrats at the office who will walk to Court House and vote, followed by a luncheon.
5. Sept. 25th pick up people’s ballots at their homes; votes can be turned in Monday, September 27, 2010.
6. Oct. 9/10 dry run for election and there will be 3 shifts both days. [Details will be provided at the October meeting.]
Louise Frakes adjourned the meeting at 8:35 pm
Respectfully submitted:
Margaret Marie, Acting Secretary