Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Precinct Caucus Locations - Wash. County

Iowa Democratic Party Caucus

Tuesday January 3rd, 2012 6:30pm

You must be in line or signed in by 7:00pm to participate

Washington County Democrats will meet at the following location(s):

Ainsworth - 2989 Spruce Avenue, Crawfordsville

Brighton – Washington Public Library (2nd floor back room)

English River - Kalona Library, 510 C Ave., Kalona

Kalona - Kalona Library, 510 C Ave., Kalona

Riverside - 2810 Hwy. 22, Riverside

Washington Ward 1 - Washington Public Library (basement break room)

Washington Ward 2 - Washington Public Library (basement break room)

Washington Ward 3 - Washington Public Library (2nd floor back meeting room)

Washington Ward 4 - Halcyon House (Game Room)

Wellman - Wellman Municipal Bldg. (City Council chambers)

The purpose of a presidential year caucus is to:

1. Discuss and adopt proposed resolutions to be added to the County platform.

2. Elect Delegates and Alternates to the County Convention.

3. Elect Precinct Committee Persons to the County Central Committee.

The precinct caucus is a great way to get involved in grassroots activities with the

Iowa Democratic Party.

All Iowa Democrats are encouraged to attend.

Please call Pete Morrison at 319-936-4084 if you have a question.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2nd District meeting - 12/2011 in Washington, IA

Iowa 2nd District Meeting Held at the Blair House

The 2nd District Democrats held there final 2011 meeting at the Blair House in Washington, Iowa.

At the December 18, 2011, meeting of the central committee of the Second District Democrats the following decisions were made:

Lee County will host the District Convention at the Fort Madison High School;

Sandra Dockendorff (Des Moines County) has been elected as the Webmaster; and
Bob Beisch (Wapello County) has been elected as Treasurer.

The next meeting of the district central committee will likely take place at the site of the next convention.

December Meeting - Wash. County Democrats


Meeting, Dec. 14, 2011

Washington County Democrats met Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2011, in a second floor meeting room of the Washington Public Library, with 17 people present.

Chairman Peter Morrison called the meeting to order led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the November monthly meeting were declared ready to be filed for the record.

Kay presented the treasurer’s report and distributed copies of the report, from November 9 to December 14, 2011. There was no action in the account, and so the starting and ending balance of cash on hand was $1,775.07. Pete will file the treasurer’s report for audit.

Report of the Chair: Pete said he had received lots of e-mails from IDP and the 2nd District. Lots of organizational things are going on right now. On Sunday, Dec. 18, the 2nd District will meet at Blair House in Washington. Terry Philips will open Blair House for them. It will be a final combined 2nd District with “old” and “new” members/representatives, and there will be elections for some officers and the transition taking place. The treasurer and webmaster will be resigning at that meeting because he lives in Cedar Rapids. He and possibly some other people will need to be replaced at that meeting. It is assumed that the 2nd District will be taking care of the $20 rental charge for Blair House; but the Washington County Democrats have it reserved, at least. Kay said that a potluck meal will take place at 1 p.m., with the meeting scheduled to begin at 2 p.m.

Committee Reports. It has been difficult to find key chairpersons willing to serve. A new resident in Washington has expressed willingness to chair the Affirmative Action Committee.

Adhali Larios-Hernandez introduced himself. He has served in Iraq U.S. Special Forces and is a Staff Sergeant. He has been involved in projects in Cedar Rapids, on furthering education and helping the economy, and said he is inexperienced but willing to learn. Adhali has recently been appointed to the position of Affirmative Action Chair and is also going to be the replacement for Patrick Finney as 2nd District Precinct Captain.

The other key chairman is Terry Phillips. He said he had nothing exciting to report, and would not until after the January Caucus.

Old Business. Pete said that at the upcoming 2nd District meeting on Sunday, indications are that the group will choose to meet in Washington most of the time.

New Business. Pete addressed the January Caucus and the need to publish information ahead of time. Kay said the notice must be published twice and must include precinct locations. The first notice should be published between Dec. 20 and Dec. 26, and the second notice between Dec. 27 and Jan. 2.

Adhali lives in the 2nd Ward and can fill in as precinct leader since former precinct leader Patrick Finney has moved away. Suggestions for precinct leaders in Brighton included Dr. Faye Vittetoe, a strong Democrat, or Dr. Louise Frakes. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd wards are scheduled to meet at the Washington Public Library, the 3rd in a small room at the back of the second floor and the others [1st & 2nd] in the break room in the basement. The 4th Ward will meet at Halcyon House. Kalona and English River will meet at the Kalona library. Riverside could meet at Bob Spenner’s home, and Crawfordsville at Mike Mitchell’s home. For Wellman, Steve Maxon will reserve the municipal building tomorrow, or the library next door if the municipal building isn’t available for Jan. 3.

Sandra Johnson questioned whether we would actually need two printings of the Caucus notice. The answer was that we do need two printings. The group then decided that we could have the first printing in one newspaper and the second printing in another publication. We should arrange to do this as inexpensively as possible. Pete said we should meet “the letter of the law” to avoid undue complaints by the Republicans. Kay said she believed it would be necessary to have the notice printed in The Journal once in order then to be eligible to have it printed in the free paper as well.

Kay will sort through the lists and see how many registered voters are listed for Brighton. At last count, it was between 12 and 14 registered voters. She had asked for a CD of the county and has been promised one in the near future.

Terry asked to speak The county attorney had asked who was in charge, and relayed some information he had received from the DCI, alerting Caucus attenders that there may be some orchestrated attempts to create disruptions during the Caucus. One such disruption could take the form of numerous requests to change party affiliation in an attempt to take up precious Caucus time, etc. Kay said we have the right to walk anyone out of the Caucus as long as we have a good reason.

The group explored possible reasons for the turnover of personnel at the courthouse. At least one of the reasons was that the person is ready to retire.

Fred Stark brought up one item -- the need for someone to be willing to be appointed councilor for the 3rd Ward. Anyone interested from the 3rd Ward should express interest to Mayor Sandra Johnson.

Rich Taylor spoke on his candidacy for state senate and told a little of his background in the business of heating and air conditioning. He is a master mechanic, very active in the Union, and has worked at the penitentiary in Fort Madison. As senator he would “have the worker’s back.” He stands up for good contracts, and has been “fairly successful at it” He watches out for the average person. He fully intends to win this primary and then the general election in November. He is retired and has the time and the interest, and is concerned about what every one of us thinks. He plans to work hard for the people of southeast Iowa as well as all of Iowa and pledges to be available to the public and will not dodge people who come to talk to him in Des Moines when he is senator. His Web address is

There are three people running in the Democratic primary for state senate. There are 220 registered Democrats in the “Big Three” in the voting district.

Atalie told us that he is doing continuing education at institutions such as Kirkwood. He is here helping his mother, who has major health problems. He would like to be politically involved and has a network of students as well. He said he believes in the working man and the middle class, and believes taxing the middle class, working people, is not the best idea.

January 11 at 7 p.m. will be the next Democratic Party meeting.

Pete added another reminder to attend the Blair House event if possible on Dec. 18. At that meeting an official vote will probably be taken about having Washington as the permanent meeting area. Rich Taylor said he thought a spokesman from Lee County would make a pitch for the 2nd District to choose Fort Madison as their permanent meeting place instead. Mayor Sandra Johnson said she would probably be able to cut short her weekend plans in order to attend the session at Blair House, and would be there to support and stand up for Washington as the choice for the permanent meeting place.

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Stark, Secretary

November Minutes - Wash. County Democrats

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

November Minutes


Meeting, Nov. 9, 2011

Seven Washington County Democrats met Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011, in a second floor meeting room of the Washington Public Library.

Chairman Peter Morrison called the meeting to order led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the October monthly meeting were noted and filed for record.

Kay presented the treasurer’s report and distributed copies of the report, from Oct. 12 to November 9, 2011. Cash on hand on October 12 was $1,470.07. With income and expenses, cash available on Nov. 9, 2011, was $1,775.07, the treasurer’s report would be filed for audit.

Chairman Pete commented on the Second District Convention will be held April 28, 2012, and that pursuant to the request of the Second District and Al Bohanan, their Chairman, he made application on the provided forms to host the event.

We don’t as yet have active committee chairs and we will need to have committees and need to have then in place after the first part of the year 2012.

Old Business:

Precinct designation is in a state of flux right now. All our precinct locations will, Pete thinks, remain pretty much the same. Pete has contacted all of the elected Precinct Captains, with the exception of Patrick Finney, and determined that Richard Gilmore will be the temporary 4th Ward Captain. Harold Frakes declined to act and a Temporary Chair will be required for Brighton. As soon as everything is finalized, a listing of the Precinct data will be distributed to all members with email.

The Second District is hoping to have the district convention in Washington as the central location. They will need to select a site, and they have sent out district convention bid documents. We previously discussed some possibilities, such as Washington High School or Highland High School. The convention would be held on April 28, 2012. As noted, we have applied to be the host for the 2012 Convention. We should know what the decision of the 2nd District would be in January or possibly earlier.

New Business:

We will have a complete list of 2012 Caucus Chairs/Places soon. It will be email distributed upon completion.

The consensus is that the December meeting will be the 2nd Wednesday in December, on the 14th. The time will change back to 7:00 p.m. in the meeting room of the Library.

County Convention plans will be made at the January 2012 meeting. Current plans call for the County convention to be held again at the Library, using both the 2nd floor meeting rooms.

Chairman Pete adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2011.

Respectfully submitted,

Pete Morrison, Chair and acting Sec.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October Minutes 2011

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

October Minutes


Meeting, Oct. 12, 2011

Nine Washington County Democrats met Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011, in a second floor meeting room of the Washington Public Library.

Chairman Peter Morrison called the meeting to order led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the September monthly meeting were noted and filed for record.

Kay presented the treasurer’s report and distributed copies of the report, from Sept. 14 to Oct. 12. Cash on hand on Sept. 14 was $474.18. With income and expenses, cash available on Oct. 12 was $1,470.07. Five hundred dollars of the income was the grant which Pete had applied for and had obtained from IDP, to help with membership. For the fall luncheon alone (Oct. 2), income was $1,012 and expenses were $666.11. About 68 to 70 meals were served. The amount of $345.89 was cleared on the luncheon.

Mike Mitchell moved to approve the treasurer’s report, Bob Spenner seconded, and the motion carried. Pete said that the treasurer’s report would be filed for audit.

In 2008 we had $987.55 after paying the last check for post office box rent. Box rent this year is at $56. We’ll be better off going into 2012 than we were going into 2008 (even without that $500 grant).

Chairman Pete commented on the Second District meeting. It helped with some revenue and also in terms of costs on the day of the meeting (Oct. 2). He said it was really nice to have those people in Washington and it was a semi-productive meeting. A number of people from the new counties, which will be part of the new Second District, were present.

Committee Reports. Pete praised Kay for the fine job she did of heading up the luncheon and for the good report.

We don’t as yet have a platform committee and will need to establish that before the first part of January.

Old Business. Precinct designation is in a state of flux right now. All our precinct locations will, Pete thinks, remain pretty much the same. The auditor has the final say on that. There is a total of maybe three or four people who did fall into the “iffy” category. There are some questions that need to be answered regarding who would be eligible to serve as precinct captains -- must they be members of WCDP? Could they be from another precinct? Pete said those questions are for Washington County Auditor Bill Fredrick. Pete will talk to Bill.

Kay reminded us that everyone is going in as a temporary precinct chair, and permanent officers will be elected at the caucus.

Old Business. The Second District is hoping to have the district convention in Washington as the central location. They will need to select a site, and they have sent out district convention bid documents. We discussed some possibilities, such as Washington High School or Highland High School. The convention would be about April 28.

Our group wondered whether we should continue to pursue this and whether we could pull it off. The Second District would bring their own server and laptops and desktops. There would need to be a sound system at the selected site. We would need a mike and someone to operate the sound system. Kay suggested that that would be a good opportunity to make more money with a luncheon. Bob voiced his opinion that we should only consider this if the work and responsibility would not fall on Kay again, or Kay and one other person -- that if we did this, we would need people committed to work and to help. The last convention, it was noted, was in Fairfield.

Bob volunteered to contact people at the Highland school to see if something can be worked out, and to check on the possibility of arranging for some high school students to help with serving in exchange for a percentage of the income’s going to their school programs.

Kay said the convention would be an opportunity for 1) funds and 2) publicity.

Chairman Pete adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 9.

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Stark, Secretary