Iowa Democratic Party Caucus
Tuesday January 3rd, 2012 6:30pm
You must be in line or signed in by 7:00pm to participate
Washington County Democrats will meet at the following location(s):
Ainsworth - 2989 Spruce Avenue, Crawfordsville
Brighton – Washington Public Library (2nd floor back room)
English River - Kalona Library, 510 C Ave., Kalona
Kalona - Kalona Library, 510 C Ave., Kalona
Riverside - 2810 Hwy. 22, Riverside
Washington Ward 1 - Washington Public Library (basement break room)
Washington Ward 2 - Washington Public Library (basement break room)
Washington Ward 3 - Washington Public Library (2nd floor back meeting room)
Washington Ward 4 - Halcyon House (Game Room)
Wellman - Wellman Municipal Bldg. (City Council chambers)
The purpose of a presidential year caucus is to:
1. Discuss and adopt proposed resolutions to be added to the County platform.
2. Elect Delegates and Alternates to the County Convention.
3. Elect Precinct Committee Persons to the County Central Committee.
The precinct caucus is a great way to get involved in grassroots activities with the
Iowa Democratic Party.
All Iowa Democrats are encouraged to attend.
Please call Pete Morrison at 319-936-4084 if you have a question.