Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Legislative Briefing 3/19/2011

The last of three legislative briefings was held again at the Court House in Washington on Saturday morning, March 19, 2010. Sandy Greiner and Jared Klein were on hand to address the crowd of about 30+ people throughout the 2 hour session.

Unfortunately not much has taken place in Des Moines so far, and of course the two legislators blamed the senate Democrats for holding up legislation previously passed by the House. I guess that the fact that the House, had pushed through a radical right wing agenda, had no part to play in the delay.

It was my guess that the two-year period following the 2010 election would be mostly deadlock. I predicted that even an annual budget would be hard to establish with the hard right positions of the new Republican House, clashing with the more moderate views of the Iowa Senate.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Washington County Democrats Meeting March 2011

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

March Minutes

Minutes of March Meeting

The Washington County Democrats met in the 2nd floor meeting room of the Washington Public Library on Wednesday, March 16th, 2011 with 18 members and guests present. The Chairperson, Louise Frakes, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm with the group reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing, America the Beautiful.

Minutes of the last meeting [February 2011] were provided in written form for the group. Those minutes were also previously, posted on the blog and sent to all of those with e-mail addresses. A request for any changes or additions was made and hearing none, the minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer Kay Ciha presented the current Treasurer’s Report, and written copies were provided to the group, the report reflected a balance of $957.17 and will be filed for audit.

The Chairperson indicated that the Main focus of tonight's meeting is to elect new officers, Standing Committee Chairs, Delegates to 2nd District Central Committee, and County Convention Chairs for Arrangements, Rules and Nominations, and Credentials Committees. (constitution Article III section 5).

Harvey Ross from the 2nd District was scheduled as a guest speaker, but he had not arrived and would be given a later opportunity to speak.

There were no legislative committee reports.

Old Business:

Nan Stark presented a report of the audit committee and provided a statement that will be filed with the minutes of this meeting.

The Chair indicated that a motion to suspend the rules be made in order to transact constitutional changes.

Changes in County Constitution, as follows:


This Constitution may be amended at any County Convention by a majority of the accredited delegates so assembled. All proposed amendments must be submitted to the Convention in writing, and must be delivered to the Chair of the Washington County Democratic Party at least 14 days prior to the call of the County Convention.

Upon motion made by Robin Plattenberger and 2nd by Pete Morrison, the motion passed to suspend the rules.

Article VI Sec. 4 of Constitution

Strike Sec. 4. Duties of the Immediate Past Chair shall be. The Immediate Past Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair in the absence of both the Chair and the Vice Chair, and shall otherwise assist the Chair in the performance of his or her duties, and shall chair the Community Events Standing Committee. Said Sec. 4 shall be replaced with, “The Community Events Standing Committee and chair shall be elected at large or appointed by the Chair.” Upon motion made by Richard Gilmore and 2nd by Steve Maxon, the motion passed.

Article III section 5

Motion was made by Pete Morrison and 2nd by Bob Spenner that the wording be added: “Off Year Caucus” to the title “Reorganization Meeting” Motion passed.

As Harvey Ross had arrived, he was given the opportunity to talk on the subject of the Stonewall Caucus and the 2nd District and after his presentation, Jared Hershberger, representing Dave Loebsack’s office spoke briefly. Nick Kariya who was with Harvey Ross and representing the Minority caucus made a short presentation on his caucus.

New Business:

There were no committee reports.

The next order of business was the election of new officers: The Chair asked Harvey Ross and Jared Hershberger to assist in counting the ballots.

The following members were elected for the next two years to the noted elected positions:

Chairman: Peter G. Morrison

Vice-Chair.: Richard Gilmore

Secretary: Nan Stark

Treasurer: Kay Ciha

Congratulations to the newly elected officers.

Upon motion by Pete and 2nd by Dave Ciha, the officers were seated.

Finding no nominations for committee chairs, motion was made by Louise Frakes and 2nd by Barb Edmondson, that the Chair appoint the committee chairs and members as constituted. Motion carried.

It was noted that due to re-districting, that the Washington County Democrats, would have to appoint members to the re-districting committee. Pete would follow-up on that matter.

The Chair is one member or would appoint his 2nd District representative, plus two additional delegates and alternates would be selected next month at the meeting.

The group discussed the establishment of a meeting time, place and date. It was decided that the meeting place, subject to change, would be the Washington Public Library, on the 2nd Wednesday of every month, and the time would remain the same at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried. Pete to follow-up with the Library on that issue and establish scheduling with them.

The chair asked for any additional new business and found none.

The Chair announced upcoming events as follows:

Legislative Briefing on Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 10:00 a.m., to be held at the Washington County Court House.

The Chair called for any other business and finding none the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Kay Ciha provided refreshments.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Washington Library on the 2nd floor. Doris Park and Steve Maxon will provide treats and beverage.

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Stark, Secretary

Peter G. Morrison, Secretary and now Chairman

New Officers to be elected

New officers of the Washington County Democrats will be elected March 16, 2011. [ see March minutes for details. ]