Monday, November 18, 2013

Washington County Democratic Meeting 

Washington County Democrats met at the library on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 
Vice-Chair Lorraine Williams called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. With he Pledge of 
Allegiance. Those present were Lorraine Williams, Louise and Harold Frakes, John 
Greener, Richard Gilmore, Steve Maxon and Doris Parks. 

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Richard Gilmore reported that the 
balance in our treasury is $2695.95 which includes $500 in the candidate fund. 
Treaasurer Kay Ciha was not present because of illness. 

Lorraine announced that Democrat Sandra Johnson was elected mayor of Washington 
and that Kathy Salazar (a Democrat) and Jaron Rosein (leaning Democrat) were elected 
to the Washington City Council. There were no reports of other city elections. 

It was noted that John Greener, Richard Gilmore, Lorraine Williams and her husband 
attended the Braily Blues & Bar-B-Q in Des Moines. Discussion of this event also led to 
a short discussion on gun control. 

Under old business, Doris Park and John Greener reported on the meeting about the 
Richland/Kalona Bridge. They said there is a lot of interest and excitement about 
restoring this historic bridge. 

Richard Gilmore handed out his brochures and cowboy cards. He said he is now ready to 
start Fund Raising. 

For new business, details of the Christmas party were decided. It will be Wednesday, 
December 11 at 6:30 pm at Richard Gilmore & Robin Plattenberger’s home. They will 
furnish soup, everyone else should bring dessert, salad, finger food, or something to 
round out the meal. Each of those who regularly attend the County meetings are 
encouraged to invite 5 other Democrats to join us for the Christmas party. 

Harold Frakes gave an update on the upcoming Caucus which will be held January 21 at 
7:00 pm at the library. We have 10 precincts in our county and each precinct needs to 
have a chairperson and a secretary to run their caucus. Harold handed out maps of the 
county that show the various precinct lines. He encouraged everyone to think of people 
to fulfill those obligations. We will need to finalize this during a short meeting at the 
Christmas party. 

Steve Maxon was reminded to make copies of the 2012 Platform for each Precinct. 
Much of the focus of the caucus will be on making the 2014 Platform. 

The meeting adjourned at 8:01 with a reminder that our next meeting is the Christmas 
Party at Gilmore’s at 6:30 pm. 

Respectfully submitted, Louise Frakes, acting secretary