Thursday, December 5, 2013

FCNL Priorities are Progressive Priorities

FCNLThe Friends Committee on National Legislation recently re-released their 113th Congress legislative priorities as agreed at their general committee meeting on Nov. 12, 2012. It’s hard to argue that these priorities are not progressive. Your comments are welcome.
  • Reduce the influence of money in political and electoral processes.
  • Increase U.S. government capacity for peaceful prevention and resolution of deadly conflict. Promote regional and international diplomacy, particularly in Afghanistan and Pakistan and in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Prevent war with Iran.
  • Promote nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation. Eliminate drone attacks.
  • Reduce U.S. military operations and bases around the world. Cut military spending while supporting programs for veterans.
  • Restore and strengthen programs that prevent or mitigate poverty and that improve access to education, training, health care and jobs.
  • Support progressive tax structures to address poverty and economic disparity.
  • Promote fair, humane and demilitarized immigration policies.
  • Safeguard the natural world. Support solutions to counter and mitigate global climate disruption and assist threatened human populations at home and abroad.
  • Transform U.S. energy policy to support the development and use of safe and sustainable energy sources.
  • Support efforts that respect the tribal sovereignty of Native Americans and indigenous peoples, enhance their well-being and honor treaty commitments.
  • Promote civil liberties and human rights, especially those undermined in the name of combating terrorism. Eliminate torture and suppression of dissent.
  • Reform drug policies that have led to mass incarceration and contribute to institutionalized racism.