Saturday, April 5, 2008

April 1, 2008 Minutes

April Meeting of the Washington County Democratic Party

The Washington County Democratic Party met in the Day Lounge at Halcyon House on Tuesday, April 1, 2008. Chairperson Sandra Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm with 38 people present.

John Greener introduced guest Larry Marek, who is running for the Iowa House of Representatives. Larry told about the busy schedule he has been keeping, with nearly some meeting every day. He also talked about what is coming up in terms of training sessions and groups he is scheduled to meet with. He asked for help with door knocking, meeting more people, finding places to put signs, and finding people to host coffee’s for him. He is also planning to attend the various parades this summer.

Next, John introduced the various candidates running for County Supervisor. They were Terry Philips for District 2, Mike Niffenegger for District 2, Mike Roe for District 5, Bob Goodrich for District 1, Steve Jensen for District 3, and Regina Utz for District 2. The candidates told about their background and what they see as important for the supervisors to do. Louise Frakes passed around a diagram showing what all the supervisors are involved with.

Sandra Johnson went into some detail about where signs can be placed. She said signs can go up anytime. She also said candidates needed to file forms DR1 and DR2 with the state.

Dave Schweitzer, candidate for Sheriff, was introduced. He talked about his background, why he feels he is qualified for the position, what he thinks some of the problems in law enforcement are, and how he would like to work to help solve them. He asked for our support. He can be contacted at

Mike Phenicie spoke about why he is supporting Hillary, but stressed that whoever gets the nomination, we all have to work together to get that person elected.

Convention minutes were passed around. John Greener moved that they be accepted. Mike Phenicie seconded. Motion passed

Louise Frakes, secretary, read the March minutes. Terry Philips moved to accept them. Jay Santana seconded. Motion passed.

Kay Ciha, treasurer, gave the treasury report. She said we had $600 in new memberships, $225 from the Convention breakfast, and $30 in t-shirt sales. Expenses were $75 for the renting of the Mennonite Church for the Convention, $175 for the mailing permit, $66.02 for Convention ads, and $19.60 for postcards. Our new balance is $2015.90. The report will be filed for audit.

Under the Membership Report, Kay reported that we now have 85 households.

David Smithers reported on 2nd District. He said their website is

Sandra appointed the following people to fill the District Convention committees: Rules Committee: Wes Madsen; Credentials Committee: David Smithers; Arrangements: Jay Santana; Platform: John Stellmach; 2nd District Central Committee: David Smithers, Jay Santana, and John Stellmach.

Terry Philips reported on the Veterans Caucus. He told about the Riverside soldier whose death the army is reporting as a suicide. The family has asked Representative Dave Loebsack to look into it. He also said 20 – 25 % of all homeless people are Vets. He asked if our Vets position has been incorporated into our Constitution and By Laws.

Under Old Business, Sandra thanked Ione and everyone who helped with the County Convention.

Under New Business, Sandra announced that the 2nd District Convention will be Saturday, April 26th, at the Mt. Vernon High School beginning at 9:00 am. She asked that people please car pool to the convention. She reported that 75% of the National Delegates will be selected at the District Conventions. The remaining 25% will be selected at the State Convention.

Other dates of importance are Primary Election on June 3rd; State Convention on June 14th; National Convention in Denver on August 25th – 28th.

Larry Marek asked about a shared office for himself with the County party. It was reported that the Chamber will be moving to their new office in about 40 days and that would be a great location for us. Jay Santana was appointed to look into that. Terry Philips moved that Jay be authorized to secure a lease on the former Obama office at $300 and to negotiate the best deal he could on utilities. Motion passed.

The next meeting will be May 6th at 7:00 pm in the Day Lounge.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Louise Frakes, secretary