Saturday, January 25, 2014

Washington County Democratic Meeting
January 8, 2104

The Washington County Democratic party met on January 8, 2014 in the Washington Public Library with 12 county Democrats present: (Richard Gilmore, Kay and Dave Ciha, Louise and Harold Frakes, Mimi Jacoby, Pete Morrison, Bob Spenner, John Greener, Merle Haige, Lorraine Williams, and Jim Gorham).

President Richard Gilmore called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

Minutes of last month’s minutes were approved as posted on the blog. 

Kay Ciha presented the treasurer’s report that shows a balance on hand of $2522.01. This includes the $500 in the candidate fund. Bills were paid to the Washington Evening Journal and USPO box rent,

It was reported that Jack Hatch is the only Democratic candidate for Governor remaining. John Greener said he will contact Hatch and try to get him to come to Washington County.

In the Senate 39 race, Kevin Kinny has declared his candidacy. There will be a primary vote between Richard and Mr. Kinny. Harold encouraged everyone to know where each of them stands on various issues. Richard said he has a one-page handout that is supposed to be put into all caucus packets. He passed that around for all to see. In the Republican race for Senate 39, there are 2 or 3 other candidates besides Mike Moore. 

Kay has heard that County Attorney Brock may not run again and that rumor has it that Barb Edmondson may run.

John Greener ask that each of us give $10 to the Bruce Braley campaign and that each one ask 10 more people to also give $10.

There will be 2 seats for County Supervisors open this fall. They are District 3 (currently held by Steve Davis) and District 5 (currently held by Richard Young). Harold suggested we try to get Ceanne Alvine or Sally Hart to run for District 3. Merle Haige is interested in running for District 5.

January 21 will be the Caucus. All precincts except Brighton will meet at the Washington Public Library. Louise and Harold will bring punch and cake. Richard Gilmore and Robin Plattenberger will bring coffee and tea. Brighton precinct will meet at Rose Jaynes in Brighton. Everyone needs to be signed in before 7:00 pm and the caucus officially begin at 7:00 pm.

Caucus chairpersons will be W1: John Greener; W2: Terry Phillips; W3:Pete Morrison;
W4: Richard Gilmore; Wellman: Steve Maxim and Doris Park; Riverside: Les Lamping or Bob Spenner; West Chester : Harold Frakes; Brighton: Rose Jaynes; Ainsworth: Ceanne Alvine; Kalona: Not yet decided.

March 8, 2014 starting at 9:00 am will be the County Convention. It will be held in the Old Library. Delegates will be elected at the Caucus.

Under Candidate Development: Harold strongly suggested that we begin holding "Democratic Home Parties" inviting 10 people who are Democrats and encouraging them to become active in the Democratic party. At the very least we should try to get them to commit to voting.

It was moved, seconded and passed that the Washington County Democratic meeting will be moved to the second Tuesday of each month.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15. 

The next meeting will be Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 7:00 pm in theWashington Public Library. 

After the meeting cake was served.

Respectively submitted,

Mimi Jacoby and Louise Frakes