The Washington County Democrats met at Art Domestique on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 with 13 county Democrats present. Chairperson Lorraine Williams called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by the singing of “God Bless America”.
Jim Gorham moved to approve the minutes as sent out, seconded by John Greener. Motion passed. Kay gave the treasurer’s report. She has paid for a double fair booth and there were 2 new memberships.
Report of the Chair:
1. The cost of having the 2nd District workshop at the Washington Kirkwood center would be $150. We would be expected to provide the lunch which participants would purchase. The fund raiser for the county party would be the Wine Down afterwards where we would serve wine, soft drinks, and appetizers. It would cost participants to attend the wine down. The date will be set by June 30. The location is between us and Oskaloosa.
2. Lorraine suggested we purchase 14 30-second ads to run on KCII through June. The cost would be $109.12. There was much discussion about the pros and cons of doing that at this time. Robin moved that we defer buying radio ads at this time. John seconded. Motion passed.
3. Lorraine said the radio is a great way to reach out to people and asked that each person bring one idea to the June meeting of the message we want to get out.
4. Lorraine announced that Dave Loebsack will be at the Coffee Shop on Saturday, May 16 from 10:00 - 11:00 am.
Old Business:
1. Cowboy Cards. Neither Terry or Matt was present so there was no presentation on this. However it was suggested that one side be in English and the other in Spanish.
2. Farmer’s Market was discussed. It was suggested that we try to do one Thursday each month June through September. Lorraine will contact Bob Shepherd for exact dates. When we are not part of the official market, we will set up outside of Art Domestique. We will hand out flashlights and cowboy cards.
New Business:
1. County Convention size. Louise moved that we have it be 65. Bob Spenner seconded. Motion passed. Lorraine will contact Josie and relay that message.
2. Places of the Precinct caucus are as follows:
1. Ainsworth — undecided
2. Brighton — Rose Jaynes home
3. Kalona — undecided
4. Riverside — Bob Spenner’s home
5. All 4 Washington wards — Washington High School
6. Wellman — Wellman library
7. West Chester — West Chester Community building
Committee Reports:
Affirmative Action — Sandy Johnson
Their committee (Gary M, Sandy J, Harold F., Shirley P., Isabella S) has met. Each one is to contact a bi-lingual person to help set up events. Sandy recommended that all of us attend Latino Night in the park on June 7. The committee also wants to create an event to explain the voting process. They plan to contact Louise County Democrat party for suggestions as they have had success with this. Jim Gorham suggested having a “meet & greet” with simple refreshments where we simply talk about why we are Democrats. He also suggested that we visit with the Latino people who are at the Farmer’s Market — make friends with them. Robin suggested we design a new Democrat shirt with one side in English and the other side in Spanish. Doris will work on a design. Greg D. said there are a lot of people feeling left out and we need to reach out to all. Nan said some county parties are providing identity cards and that maybe we could consider doing that.
Candidate Development — Jim Gorham
Jim reported that he has on a potential candidate for House 78 seat to run against Jared Klein. He hopes to be able to tell us who at the June meeting. The County Supervisor seats currently held by Jack Seward, Bob Yoder, and Stoops will be up for election. Everyone please be thinking of people we could run for these positions.
Community Events — John Greener
a.) April 29 Pot Luck. John apologized for not using his committee but said his contact information failed so he had Richard & Robin and Harold & Louise help him. It was a “fabulous success” with speakers Andy McGuire, Tom Fiegen and Lillie Catlin.
b.) The parade committee of Will Hart, Alesandro, and Sara Williams has not met yet, but the parades will go on. The first one is June 6th. We will set up at John’s house 603 West Washington.
c.) There is one box of candy in the closet at Art Domestique. Lorraine will order more. Motion by Bob S. Motion passed.
d.) Lillie said that she will have people from the Hillary campaign walk with us.
e.) Kay announced that Richmond is having their 175th celebration on July 25 and moved that we attend their parade. Motion passed. John will register us by July 1.
Upcoming events:
June 6 — Ridiculous Day Parade
June 9 — Democrat meeting at Arts Domestique
June 13 — FDR Revival at Lake Darling Lodge (hopefully)
June 14 — Ice Cream Social — Meet & Greet for Tom Fiegen at Richard & Robin’s home.
June 20 — Brighton parade and Kalona parade
June 27 — Trek Fest Parade in Riverside
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm for refreshments by Shirley Pfeiffer.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Frakes, secretary.
Those present: Louise Frakes, Kay Ciha, John Greener, Nan Stark, Sandra Johnson, LeAnn
Hassman, Robert Spenner, Greg Davis, Steve Maxon, Doris Park, Shirley Pfeiffer, Lillie Catlin,
Lorraine Williams.