Washington County Democrats met at Art Domestique on Tuesday, September 8 , 2015 at 6:00 pm with 17 County Democrats and 4 guests present. Chair Lorraine Williams called the meeting to order with the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as sent out. The Treasurer’s report was approved. Harold Frakes once again suggested that people contribute to the Candidate Fund on their birthday or Anniversary. Lorraine Williams reminded everyone to “pay your dues, if you have not done so”.
Lorraine gave each candidate representative 5 minutes to talk about their candidate. Hillary, Bernie Sanders, O’Malley, and Webb were all represented. As an aside, Lorraine mentioned that Huckabee had had a “meet & greet” at her restaurant last week. That brought much laughter and many comments.
Old Business:
The 2nd District Workshop was discussed. It will be Nov. 21 at the Kirkwood center. Lorraine will be furnishing the main meal with the County Democrats providing the desserts. The cost of the meal is $10 with any profit given to the County party. Kay Ciha moved the County party pay the registration fee ($20) for up to 10 Democrats to attend. All are encouraged to attend. Motion was seconded and passed.
The Fall Fund Raiser was discussed. Jim Gorham moved that we change the dinner to Sunday, Oct., 25 beginning at 12:00 noon. Motion passed. Bob Spenner moved that it be held at the 4-H building. Doris seconded. Motion passed. Lorraine asked John Greener to contact the Mayor of Davenport, Andy McGuire,and Sue Dyvorsky for speakers as well as the various people running for office and try to get them for speakers. Bob Spenner moved and Jim Gorham seconded that Lorraine do the main food with everyone bringing desserts. Motion passed. Gary Murphy agreed to be auctioneer for the auction. Everything needs to be thinking about what they can put on the auction.
Caucus sites were discussed. Washington and West Chester precincts will be held at the Washington High School. Jim Gorham will check to be sure we have those rooms. The Caucus will be Monday, Feb. 1, 2016.
Farmer’s Market was discussed. Dylan said it was great and we should do it again. Lorraine will check to see if we can get one more Thursday.
New Business:
The Second District Fall meeting will be at Art Domestique on Sept. 19, 2015.
The Democrat Debate is the night of our next meeting. It was decided that we will have the meeting and then watch the debate as a group. The meeting will be at 6:00pm at Art Domestic. We will then move to the Restaurant where Lorraine will have a big screen TV and watch the debate. Everyone is encouraged to bring finger food to share.
Committee Reports:
Affirmative action: Two Hispanics did help at the last Farmer’s Market which really helped. We were reminded that anyone 17.5 years old can vote at the Caucus. We need to get into the schools and be sure Seniors are aware of that.
Candidate Development: Jim Gorham said that for the next meeting he will try to bring the person who is thinking of running against Jared.
Community Events: Sept. 12, Sara Morrison will hold an event for Hillary Clinton. There will be another Hillary event on Oct. 3 at the Wooden Wheel Winery from 3:00-8:00 pm. All are encouraged to attend these events.
Platform Committee: Everyone is encouraged do bring ideas for resolutions to the Caucus. These
should be written down: Whereas……..Therefore be it resolved that….
Our next meeting will be Oct. 13, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at Art Domestique. Robin volunteered to bring a special treat as it is her birthday !!
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Frakes, secretary