The Washington County Democrats met at Art Domestique on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 with 22 people present. Vice Chair Richard Gilmore called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The minutes of the October meeting were approved as sent out. Kay Ciha gave the treasurer’s report with an update on the candidate fund and the outcome of the fundraising event.
Guests were introduced:
Christine with the Bernie campaign gave an update on that campaign and invited everyone to Matt and Diane Schaeffer’s home to watch the second Democrat Debate on Saturday, November 14.
Emily and Dylan reported on the Hillary campaign. Dylan was especially excited about the Keota high school kids who are getting involved. He said Hillary will visit Keota (date unknown at this time.).
Al Bohanan was introduced. We are always glad to have him visit.
Report of the Chair (Vice Chair):
Richard Gilmore and Pete Morrison talked about the Caucus training they recently attended. Both thought it was very helpful. Caucus site for Wellman will be at the Municipal Building. It was not known where the Brighton, Ainsworth, or Kalona caucus would be held.
Old Business:
Discussion was held about the October Fundraiser. Some of the ideas given were that perhaps September would be a better time than October; there needs to be better advanced planning; and advanced ticket sales is crucial. Other comments: it was a bad week-end (following the JJ dinner so many were still in Des Moines); it would have cost nothing to have been held at Art Domestique instead of the expensive 4-H building; and why not do 2 Fundraisers — one in the Spring and one in the fall. Louise moved and Terry Philips seconded that we have a committee composed of Robin, Sandy and two other people of their choice, to bring fundraiser plans to the February meeting. Motion passed.
Pete Morrison reported on the application for the 2nd District Convention. He said it has been completed and sent in. Al Bohanan said he was fairly certain that we would get the bid. It will be voted on at the Workshop on November 21. The Second District Workshop was discussed. This is a great workshop that will provide valuable information on a variety of subjects. Everyone was encouraged to pre-register NOW so that appropriate planning can take place (especially for rooms and food). A sign up sheet was passed around for people to sign up for what they will bring to the “Wine Down”.
New Business:
Jim Gorham moved that the Christmas Party be held at Art Domestique on Saturday, December 12 at 6:30 pm. Motion was seconded and passed. This would be an especially good time to invite others to join us. Richard said he would ask Lorraine to do the main dish and for everyone else to bring something to go along with it.
Louise moved that we move $600 into the Candidate Fund. Kay Ciha seconded. There was a lot of discussion. Motion failed.
Louise announced that she was resigning as secretary and that a new secretary would be to be appointed before the January meeting.
Committee Reports:
Candidate Development: Jim Gorham announced that Mike J. has decided not to seek election. We need to find someone else to run against Jared Klein.
Community Events: John Greener announced that there are four candidates running for the US Senate primary. He will try to be sure all candidates get to Washington. He also announced that Kevin Kinney is doing a fund raiser by selling raffle tickets at $20 each for a chance to win half a 4-H hog (one of 3 halves; he is donating the remaining half). Richard has tickets if you want to purchase a chance to win. John also said that the Des Moines Register had a nice article on Kevin.
Platform Committee: Steve said he wants someone else to present the platform at the County Convention. Again he reminded people to get planks for the platform written and ready to present at Caucus.
Terry Philips stressed the importance of this election, not just the Presidential but for all positions. We need to get the vote out and support all our candidates and we need candidates at all levels.
Meeting adjourned at 6:59 pm. Everyone was invited to stay for conversation and ice cream &
brownies furnished by John Greener and cookies from Emily.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Frakes, secretary