Friday, October 29, 2010

Governor Chet Culver comes to Washington

Chet Culver toured Washington’s improvement of our downtown, which included the use of I-Jobs funds and Main Street Iowa funding.

Governor Culver also was able to meet with guests at the Washington County Democrats headquarters and heard the concerns of the assembled group. He emphasized that the polls had tightened and it won’t be over until the final vote is cast on November 2nd. But Chet indicated that he was very impressed with the hard work that had been the effort of the Washington Community over the past couple of years.

Rally for Becky is a Success

On Saturday, October 23, 2010 IA Senator Becky Schmitz held a final Fundraiser and rally in Washington County before the November 2nd elections.

The main speaker for the event was U.S. Senator Tom Harkin who entertained the group with some informative comments on past performance in Iowa and good comparison statistics of Becky’s opponent.

Tom was pointed in emphasizing that if Democrats get out the vote, Democrats win.
Becky also was very confident that if we are able to get out our Democratic supporters to vote early and get our friends and neighbors to vote, she is confident that she will win!

Everyone seemed to enjoy the afternoon event, as Becky outlined what she felt were her accomplishments over the past four years.

Monday, October 25, 2010

2010 Washington County Democrats Fundraiser Luncheon

On Sunday, October 17, 2010, the Washington County Democrats held their annual Fundraiserwith a luncheon starting at 12 noon. A host of political office holders and candidates were present to provide the informational talks for the assembled group.

Local members and guests gathered for
the pork loin luncheon provided through the generous volunteer efforts of the committee made up of members of the Washington County Democrats.

Our own 2nd District Congressman, Dave Loebsack spoke about the upcoming election and made the point that all it required was common sense for voters to choose the Democratic candidate vs. the Republican candidate. Compare the record, the accomplishments these past
couple of years, the proposals offered by each candidate and common sense tells us that the voter will choose the Democratic candidate.

Lt. Governor, Patty Judge, offered the group advise on the issues of getting out the vote. She stated that it was imperative that all of use vote and get all of our friends and neighbors that are Democrats to vote. It will be a win for Democrats in the state if we do not shirk our responsibility and get to the polls. Voting early will be important for Democrats this year, she reminded everybody.

Becky Schmitz, our Iowa
State Senator, pointed out all of the important things that the Democratic legislature had accomplished in the past few years in Iowa. She noted that we had experienced one of the most difficult times over the past couple of years since
the great depression and still had a long way to go. In addition to the national economic meltdown brought on by 8 disastrous years of Republican leadership nationally, Iowa experienced one of the worst floods in our nations history.

Larry Marek, our Iowa State House Representative, pointed out that the state has received the best credit rating available among the states with a AAA rating by all reporting services. Iowa also, balanced the budget and ended this past year with a large surplus with higher than expected revenues.

One of the most interesting speakers of the event was Andrew Pitts, who represented Francis Thicke, who is the Democratic Candidate for Iowa Secretary of Agriculture. Andrew showed a great deal of enthusiasm in his passionate support of Francis Thicke.

He pointed out the importance of the position of Secretary of Agriculture in Iowa and indicated that we just cannot afford more of the same with the current Republican Secretary.

The overall turnout was less than I had hoped for but all that attended the event did seem to have a good time and enjoyed each others company.

Just another reminder to get out the vote and vote Democratic.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monthly meeting for October

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

October Minutes

Washington Democratic Meeting Minutes for October 13, 2010

Alternate-Chairperson Harold Frakes called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. There were 17 Democrats present.

Chairperson Frakes asked for approval of the minutes of the September meeting, which were posted on the Washington Democratic blog. Bob Spenner made a motion to approve the minutes and Ferd Marie seconded the motion.

The treasurer’s report, was given by Kay Ciha, Treasurer. The cash available to date was stated as $1,219.38.

Shayna, representing the Becky Schmitz campaign, announced that she scheduled a Call and Chase for 10/16 at the headquarters, starting at 10:00 a.m. She further indicated that a number of the Becky Schmitz staff and visitors from Des Moines would be assisting, and there was a need for additional volunteers. She further outlined that a fundraiser was being held at the 4-H Bldg. at the Fairgrounds on the 23rd of October, and that flyers would be available soon with additional details.

Larry Marek reported that he attended a forum in Iowa City and that both Jared and Sandy were both no shows. He also reported on new figures coming out of Des Moines, showing even better economic figures than previously anticipated.

Richard Gilmore indicated that he had attended recent supervisor meetings and that there was little pending for Supervisors. He was working on getting out a message and also yard signs.

Rodney Stogdill indicated that although he was spending little money this year he did have signs and was trying to distribute them.

Loebsack’s Representative, Henry Marquard reported that new organizational structures were being developed this close to elections to coordinate the GOTV efforts, etc.

Terry Phillips reported for Veterans Affairs. He reported that work in coordination with campaigns was ongoing.

Harold Frakes as Events Chair presented a report on the recent events. Ferd’s Weiner roast was well received, despite rain. There was an event at the Pony Farm for Becky, a small party at Jean Potratz’s and a breakfast at Rose Jaynes. He also talked about our Fundraiser dinner plans, with more in old business.

Old Business:

Everyone is encouraged to sign up for the big push for Becky on the 16th of October.

A reminder of the important Fundraiser Event on the 17th of October. All plans are in place, and a quick calculation indicated that about 100 tickets had been sold. All people were in place for setup, etc.

Our date for the Fundraiser, conflicts with the Arts Festival and date change was in order. Terry Phillips made a motion that we change to the first Sunday in October, second by Richard Gilmore. Motion carried.

It was noted that Saturday early voting at Riverside, Iowa held at City Hall from 2:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.

New Business:

November meeting date? No meeting recommended, with Terry making the motion and Pete the 2nd. Motion carried, so no November meeting.

Christmas democratic group get-together, to be held at the invitation of Richard and Robin, with date & arrangements, to be determined.

Party on Election Night recommended by Harold and it was decided to have a party or get-together at the headquarters at 8:00 p.m. On November 2nd.

Group to pack up the office and keys returned by 11/15. Material cannot be stored at the Frakes, and Pete thought we should consider a small storage facility if no other place available. Cost indications apparently were that annual storage would be about $300.00 per year. Issue to be determined later.

A newspaper ad was discussed and it was collectively decided that the exec would decide on the ad and determine the cost, ad size, etc. Decision would be up to exec committee.

Any political candidate disbursement was to be decided by the exec committee after review of minimum needed for carry over.

Pete would determine the extent poll watchers were required and see to the organization of Poll Watchers if that issues was not handled by IDP or campaign staff.

Harold Frakes adjourned the meeting at 8:35 pm

Respectfully submitted:

Peter Morrison, Secretary

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Roxanne Conlin Meet & Greet in Washington, IA

Roxanne Conlin, the Democratic Candidate for the U.S. Senate arrived in Washington, Iowa on Saturday, October 9, 2010 at about noon, to a group of between 35-40 individuals that gathered at the Washington County Democratic Headquarters to meet her and ask questions. Because of limited space, it was standing room only for many who also listened from adjacent rooms and the hallway of the facility.

The group was very interested in hearing her views on a wide variety of subjects, including Social Security, Medicare, what has become known as ObamaCare, the economy and a host of issues applicable to voters in the upcoming November elections.

Those attending the event seemed very pleased with her sincerity in addressing issues that impact all of us.

Especially meaningful, were comments about how little her opponent Charles Grassley had addressed issues relating to senior citizens, small communities and veterans. Everyone seemed concerned about Grassley’s calls for privatizing social security and the VA.

Time seemed all to short, as Roxanne addressed the crowd for more than an hour, on what was a beautiful fall afternoon in Washington, Iowa.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

September monthly meeting

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010
September Minutes

Washington Democratic Meeting Minutes for September 15, 2010

Chairperson Louise Frakes called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. There were 25 Democrats present.

Chairperson Louise Frakes asked for approval of the minutes of the August meeting, which were posted on the Washington Democratic blog. Jim Gorham made a motion to approve the minutes and Bob Spenner seconded the motion.

The treasurer’s report, was given by Kay Ciha, Treasurer. The cash available to date was stated as $1,335.76.

Chairperson Louise Frakes asked members to sign a petition for the satellite voting to be held in Riverside. She also explained that Rachel Berdo from St. James School had requested a T-shirt to represent the Democrats for the schools fall fest to be auctioned off. The shirt brought $150. Louise also had four of Francis Thicke’s books and these were sold to members. The proceeds will go to the Francis Thicke campaign.

Chairperson Louise requested that each city/community have a coffee for the candidates for one event and possibly get 20 or more people to attend as well as to invite the newspaper and other media to these functions. She asked members to sign up after the meeting.

The Chairperson then asked representatives of the candidate or candidates to update the group on events and activities.

Larry Marek reported that he has spent time at breakfasts, golf events and he was named the Friend of Iowa Business and is working hard to get more jobs in Iowa. The Listening Post at the Presbyterian home hosted by Jim Redlinger invited him to speak. The League of Women Voters in Iowa City has set their Forum for October 12th from 7-9 pm. He has also been invited to speak at Lake Darling to address the I-Fund. Washington debates will be October 18th at 6:00 pm. On October 22nd he will be attending a seminar in Cedar Rapids on keeping elders in their homes. Louise Frakes encouraged members to use these events and interests as talking points.

Loebsack’s Representative, Alex reported that the first debate was in Coralville and it went well. She asked members to take signs and literature when door knocking.

Becky Schmitz’s campaign manager reported that we have 45 days left to election. Becky’s campaign is transitioning to phoning and knocking on doors. They are looking for volunteers to do phone and run on a regular schedule. Call and chase will happen on the 18th of September, from 1-4 pm if people can come. The campaign will need volunteer shifts the week before elections and the week of election.

Terry Phillips reported for Veterans Affairs. He reported that their website is up and running.

It is:

The Veterans caucus is very active. They are trying to see if veterans could have a designated symbol on the driver’s license, which could be helpful to vets. Larry Marek is working to support this idea.

Louise stated that the Frakes may host a Farm Day on October 9th and invited everyone to attend if it happens. She will notify people by email. Ferd Marie will be having his Weiner Roast October 19th at 5:30 pm. She also reminded members of the fund raising dinner to be held on October 17th Sunday at noon. Each member is requested to sell 10 tickets. Iona Burham requested she have the count of the meals by the 11th of October. The T-shirt discussion was delayed until the next meeting.

Rose Jaynes reported how good Governor Culver was on National TV talking about why the state of Iowa has one of the lowest unemployment in the country. It is due to the jobs created by the legislature supporting new infrastructure in the state and also due to the support of wind energy which has brought many jobs to Iowa.

Terry Phillips moved that the second Tuesday meeting time be changed. Bob Spenner seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Terry Phillips moved to have our next meeting on Thursday, October 7. Bob Spenner seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Reverend Burham spoke in support of Barbara Edmondson, running for re-election in the County Attorney race. Larry Brock [R], who is running against Barb Edmondson, has sent a letter to people in Washington. Robin Plattenburger, read the letter for Reverend Burham. Discussion followed.

Specific requests by Lauren for the pre-election time frame:

1. Sign pledge to serve 3 hours a week for 7 weeks
2. Vote by Mail
3. Sept 18, Chase and run program
4. Sept 24, Friday, Early vote day, there will be noon gathering of Democrats at the office who will walk to Court House and vote, followed by a luncheon.
5. Sept. 25th pick up people’s ballots at their homes; votes can be turned in Monday, September 27, 2010.
6. Oct. 9/10 dry run for election and there will be 3 shifts both days. [Details will be provided at the October meeting.]

Louise Frakes adjourned the meeting at 8:35 pm

Respectfully submitted:

Margaret Marie, Acting Secretary

Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 2010 - meeting

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

August Minutes

Minutes of August Meeting

The Washington County Democrats met at the new headquarters office on Tuesday, August 10th, 2010, with 20 individuals present. The Chair, Louise Frakes, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the group reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing America the Beautiful.

Minutes of the last meeting held on August 6, 2010 were available in written form for the group. Those minutes covered the re-convention of the previous Washington County Convention. Minutes were also posted on the blog and sent to all of those with e-mail addresses. Motion was made and seconded that the minutes be approved and the minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer Kay Ciha presented the current Treasurer’s Report for July, and written copies were provided to the group, member dues received and bills for headquarters rent, internet & phone service, fair booth rent, and miscellaneous supplies were approved leaving a balance of $1,852.88, as of August 10, 2010, the report was approved and will be filed for audit.

The Chair reported on the Fair and Mrs. Culvers visit.

The chair called for candidate reports.

Larry Marek, Iowa House member 89, talked briefly about his candidacy plans in the upcoming election.

Lauren Brainerd the IDP representative talked about walk packets and call packets for the vote by mail campaign and indicated that she would be from 5-8 p.m. on August 17, 2010.

Richard Gilmore, supervisor candidate, talked briefly about his campaign plans and requested volunteer help.

Jared Hershberger talked about the recent campaign efforts of Dave Loebsack, and requested information on upcoming events and club meetings in the area.

The chair called for committee reports.

Tom Antosiak for the Veterans caucus spoke on the magazine drive and indicated that he would be leaving the area.

Steve Maxon reported on the 2nd District elections.

No other committee reports at that time.

Old Business:

Sign-up is needed for volunteer workers at the headquarters during the designated hours.

Sign-up providing meeting treats, for upcoming meetings in September, October and November.

New Business:

The chair brought up discussion about the plans for the upcoming Fund Raising Dinner on October 17, 2010.

The chair brought up the issue of new group t-shirts, possibly with the donkey on the shirt. The chair and also Kay would look into the cost, design, etc.

Discussion about dispersing funds to help local candidates was raised and it was decided after discussion, that we would wait until we had a better grasp of the funds available after fund raising efforts etc.

The chair opened a discussion about how to help local candidates.

It was decided that a party on December would be planned at the November meeting.

It was noted that Ferd Marie had hosted his annual wiener roast in September. He indicated that this year the event would be held on Sunday, September 19th at 5:30p.m. Ferd will furnish hot dogs & buns and everyone else should bring a dish of something to share. Then come and enjoy the fellowship of fellow Democrats.

Finding no further new business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.

Members were invited to stay and continue their discussions of the evening’s business after the meeting is adjourned.

Next meeting will be held Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the headquarters office.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter G. Morrison, Secretary

County Convention - Re-convening of Proceedings

Friday, August 06, 2010

Washington County Democratic Convention

Minutes of the Re-convening of the Convention Proceedings

The Washington County Democrats met at the Washington County Democratic Headquarters on Friday, August 6th, 2010, to reconvene the convention originally held in March of 2010. The meeting was held pursuant to notice to those members that were delegates to the original convention that were members of the Washington 3rd and 4th Wards.

The Temporary Chairperson, Louise Frakes, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Seven delegates, and 10 alternates, and registered Democrats were seated for a total of 17 participants. This fulfilled the number needed for a quorum as required by the state constitution. Lists are attached to the minutes.

The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner.

The temporary Chair called for election of both a permanent chair and a secretary.

Fred Stark made the motion, 2nd by Pete Morrison that Louise Frakes, be elected to the position of permanent chair. The motion was approved.

Everett Burham made the motion 2nd by Mike Roe, that Peter Morrison, be appointed permanent secretary and that motion was approved.

Pete Morrison made the motion that all present be seated as delegates, 2nd by Fred Stark. Motion passed.

Richard Gilmore was present as willing to run for the open Washington County Supervisor position in District 5.

Richard presented a brief history of his resume and experience, and indicated that he had decided to pursue the position with a petition.

The Chair asked if anybody else wished to be placed in nomination, and finding none the group elected Richard by acclamation.

Some additional discussion was followed by the announcement that a vote by mail effort was planned for Saturday, August 7th, 2010. Individuals that were interested in participating were encouraged to sign up.

The Convention concluded at 7:19 p.m., having completed all requirements.

Next regular meeting of the Washington County Democrats will be held August 10, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the headquarters location.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter G. Morrison, Secretary

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Kids Love the Donkey

The Big Hit of the Fair was the Donkey! Bob Spenner helps kids up on the mascot. He must be an old hand at that.

Kids could not get enough of the donkey.

Democratic Donkey is Huge Hit at Parades and Fair

The new Washington County Democrats mascot, used in most of this summers parades and at the Washington County Fair, is a big hit with the kids. Along with the award winning Donkey, the county Democrats received well earned recognition and even a bit of prize money.

The donkey was the work of Steve Maxon and Doris Park, of Max-Cast in Kalona, Iowa. Steve and Doris are loyal members of the Washington County Democrats.

Washington County Fair - 2010

The Washington County Democrats again this year, provided a booth at the Washington County Fair. Volunteers offered literature, candy, handouts and the new hit this year, our own “Democrats Rock” donkey. Members examining the donkey decided its (her) name shouldbe “Gloria”.

The Donkey was a major hit with the kids and adults, attending the fair booths this year. Member, Ferd Marie, looked on as some of the kids attending the Fair jumped up on the Donkey.

Our own State Senator Becky Schmitz and our Representative Larry Marek, both attended the Fair and greeted attendees and had their picture taken with the Donkey.

Our Democratic booth at times was so crowded with kids waiting for their turn to rid on the donkey that Fair attendees could barely get by the crowd.

Patty Judge, Lt. Governor of Iowa visited the Fair and of course had an opportunity to see the fair mascot in person.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Washington County Democrats - July Meeting

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

July Minutes

Minutes of July Meeting

The Washington County Democrats met at the new headquarters office on Tuesday, July 13th, 2010, with 19 individuals present. The Chair, Louise Frakes, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the group reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing the Star Spangled Banner.

Minutes of the last meeting held on June 8, 2010 were available in written form for the group. Minutes were also posted on the blog and sent to all of those with e-mail addresses. Dave Ciha made the motion, 2nd by Doris Parks that the minutes be approved and the minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer Kay Ciha presented the current Treasurer’s Report for July, and written copies were provided to the group, Bills for headquarters rent, IDP delegate fees, internet & phone service, parade candy, fair booth rent, and miscellaneous supplies were approved leaving a balance of $2,286.52, as of July 13, 2010, the report was approved and will be filed for audit.

Candidate’s reports and comments were moved to later in the meeting.

Events chair, Harold Frakes, reported on the parades this past month and indicated that the parades went well. He especially wanted to congratulate Steve and Doris for the outstanding job on the donkey.

No other committee reports at that time.

Old Business:

The Chair stated that all of the Washington County democrats were in attendance at the state convention. She said that many counties had only a very few delegates attend.

It was noted that the Washington County delegates held their open house for the new office and that the event was well attended and everyone had an enjoyable time.

New Business:

The Chair passed around a sign up sheet for the fair booth. The Chair asked for clarification on who would set up the fair booth and was assured that Sandy Johnson and Terry Philips would coordinate the set up on the 18th in the afternoon and would be working with the Roe’s. Anyone wanting to help with setting up the Fair Booth should go tot he Fair grounds Exhibit Hall on Sunday about 1:00 pm.

The question of the headquarters office hours was brought up, and after a short discussion, motion was made by Harold Frakes and 2nd by Bob Spenner, that the office be open as follows, from July 24 through September 23, 2010: The office would be open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Also, the office would be open on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. A sign up sheet for July 24-29 was passed around and a subsequent system will be developed and posted at the office for people to volunteer their time in the future.

The Chair indicated that we should try to find a candidate for District 5 and possible names were talked about. The Chair indicated that she should have a name not later than August 1, 2010 if we are going to have a candidate for that district.

The Chair noted that reports indicated that the Republicans had cut the registered lead by the Democrats by 50,000 individuals and that the Democrats needed to work to continue to hold majorities in both the Iowa House and Senate.

Harold Frakes made a motion and 2nd by Margaret Marie that the Washington County Democrats give the Roxanne Conlin campaign $266.00? Toward a fundraiser, and upon the discussion and Vote, the motion failed.

The Chair called for any other new business and finding none, the meeting moved to candidates comments.

Barb Edmondson just arrived and made a few comments about the on going status of her re-election campaign.

Lauren Brainerd talked to the group about the legal issues of campaigning. She volunteered to train people to canvas for the Coordinated Campaign. Margaret Marie moved that we have that training on Saturday, July 24th from 9:30 am to 10:00 am and then canvas from 10:00 – 1:00 pm. Doris Park seconded. Motion passed. That is also the first Saturday that the office will be open from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.

Becky Schmitz talked briefly about her campaign and asked if she could interest a group in door knocking from 9:30 a.m. until noon on Saturday, August 7, 2010.It was agreed that we would help find people to door knock. Becky noted that the mayor of Fairfield is holding a fundraising event for her on August 17th, that the Pony Farm will host something in September, and that she will plan to attend our Fundraiser dinner in October.

Terry Philips reported on Larry Marek’s golf tournament fundraiser. Terry also, talked briefly about the Veterans Caucus and working with political procedures.

Finding no further new business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m.

Members were invited to stay and continue their discussions of the evening’s business after the meeting is adjourned. Linda Brown and Merle Davis provided refreshments.

Next meeting will be held Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the headquarters office.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter G. Morrison, Secretary

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kalona Days - Parade [ 6/19/2010 ]

On June 19th, 2010, we had a great day in Kalona. The Kalona Days parade was quite an event with sunny skies and the introduction of our life size donkey.

The nearly completed donkey was part of the truck carrying the members of the Washington County Democrats.

The Washington County Democrats also had secured a booth in the downtown Kalona area, handing out literature and a few trinkets during the downtown festivities.

As always we went through a lot of candy as the parade proceeded through the parade route.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Washington County Democrats - 2010 Headquarters Open House

The Washington County Democrats provided a first glimpse at the new 2010 Headquarters at 225 West Main Street, across from the Washington County Court House on Friday, June 18, 2010.

Despite the weather, many of our members and several out of town guests attended the event.

Although we are not yet fully operational, with a few details yet to be implemented, the headquarters is shaping up to provide facilities for the party and all local, state and national candidates to call home in Washington County.

Now that the primaries are out of the way, several local, state and national candidates and representatives from the various campaigns presented plans they are focusing on this election season.

Featured speakers included, State Senator (45), our own Becky Schmitz, Iowa Sec. of Agriculture candidate, Francis Thicke, Pete D’Alessandro, Political Director from the Culver campaign and Lindsay Burr, Political Director from the Dave Loebsack campaign. Louise Frakes was a wonderful MC, and the event was a wonderful educational experience for all of those in attendance.

We hope that all of the candidates running for election or re-election will take full advantage of the office facilities. We will have phone line options, computer and Wi-Fi capabilities as well as an adaptable meeting area.

We will be announcing office hours for the headquarters in the near future.

Please feel free to send any comments or suggestions to: Pete Morrison, Secretary at or call the headquarters at: 319-653-3110

Monday, June 14, 2010

More picture of the 2010 IA Democratic Convention

State Democratic Convention 6/12/10

All nine of Washington County State Delegates were present at Des Moines Convention Center Saturday, June 12. Pictured from left to right Pete Morrison, Katrina Schaeffer, Diane Schaeffer, Eliza Schaeffer, Matt Schaffer, Harold Frakes, Louise Frakes, Terry Philips, Sandra Johnson, and Kay Ciha. Congratulations Washington County! You have carried out your responsibilities much better than many other counties!

We heard speeches from various Democratic candidates such as Francis Thicke, Patty Judge, Governor Culver, and Matt Campbell (who is running against Steven King). We hope they will get elected as they were quite impressive.

In addition to hearing outstanding speakers from the Iowa Congressional Delegation, State officials also were present and gave uplifting speeches about Iowa's economy. Of course, Senator Tom Harkin is always a joy to hear. The keynote address was given by the Senior Senator from Minnesota. The hardest part of our work was giving final approval to Iowa's state platform.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Washington County Democrats - June meeting

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

June Minutes

Minutes of June Meeting

The Washington County Democrats met in the Game Room at the Halcyon House on Tuesday, June 8th, 2010, with 9 individuals present. The Chair, Louise Frakes, was absent due to work she was doing at the primary in Brighton. This months meeting fell on the scheduled primary date. Dave Schweitzer, Vice-Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the group reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the last meeting held on May 11, 2010 were available in written form for the group. Minutes were also posted on the blog and sent to all of those with e-mail addresses. Pete Morrison made the motion, 2nd by Dave Ciha that the minutes be approved and the minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer Kay Ciha presented the current Treasurer’s Report for May, and written copies were provided to the group, said report reflected a balance of $3,378.18, as of June 8, 2010, the report was approved and will be filed for audit.

Old Business:

Events chair, Harold Frakes, reported that the fund-raiser for Becky Schmitz exceeded our goal of $3,000. It brought in $4,040.00! Great job everyone!

He also reported that the "Retirement Party" for Senator Grassley was a success. Steve Maxon did a great job playing Senator Grassley and Terry Philips was a wonderful aide. For further details, check out the blog.

Harold once again handed out the outline of the various parades coming up around the County. Pete asked that people check out the coverage of the Ridiculous parade on the blog. Harold requested that the handout of the upcoming parades be sent out on email.

In other business, Kay Ciha reported that the former Planned Parenthood building had been acquired for the 5-month period from June 15 - Nov. 15th. The four keys were distributed to the 4 officers: Louise, Dave, Kay, and Pete. Following the discussion about what type of phone and internet services would be needed, Susan Mitchell made the motion to allow Kay to make the decision of whether to use Iowa Telecom or Mediacom. Motion seconded by Dave Ciha. Motion passed.

Harold Frakes offered to take his van to the Iowa State Democratic Convention. Those delegates wishing to ride should meet at the intersection of Hwy 1 & 92 at 6:15 am on Saturday, June 12th. Please contact Harold if you want to car pool with him.

New Business:

Setting up the new Democratic Head Quarters was discussed. It was decided that we would move into headquarters on Tuesday, June 15 beginning at 6:30. The Grand Opening was scheduled for June 18, 2010 at 6:30 p.m., Harold will check about a possible speaker. Susan Mitchell volunteered to provide refreshments.

Harold presented campaign sign placement information and suggested that Pete send the notice to the county papers for publication. Pete will do that for all of the county papers.

Susan Mitchell distributed a flier that someone had prepared about Sandra Greiner, and it was suggested that it might have come from a Rick Marlar supporter prior to the GOP primary.

The Chair called for any other new business and finding none, the meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m.

Members were invited to stay and continue their discussions of the evening’s business after the meeting is adjourned. Kay and Dave Ciha provided refreshments.

Next meeting will be held Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter G. Morrison, Secretary

Louise Frakes, Chair

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Washington, IA Ridiculous Day 2010

Washington, Iowa Ridiculous Day Parade

The Washington County Democrats provided a float for the Ridiculous Day Parade this year. After a difficult couple of years with the downtown under re-construction, the Ridiculous Day event used every opportunity to show off what is now promoted as the Historic Downtown. The Ridiculous Day Parade has been around since before I was old enough to sit on the curb and catch candy. Things haven’t chanced much as every side of the square was filled with kids waiting for treats!

A few volunteers helped set up the float and placed the various signs out for those running for election, but mostly Re-Election.

Second District U.S. Congressman Dave Loebsack and his staff walked in the parade and talked to observers as the parade moved forward.

Larry Marek walked in the parade and talked and handed out candy to those watching the parade.

Finally the preparation was completed and the full parade began moving toward the square with police cars and fire trucks leading the way.