The purpose of this blog is to inform interested parties about Washington County Democratic Party events.
Monday, November 17, 2008
November Minutes
The Washington County Democrats meet on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 with 23 members present. Vice-Chairman, Richard Gilmore, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Ferd Marie moved to accept the minutes. Robin Plattenberger seconded. Motion approved.
Kay Ciha gave the treasurer’s report which had a balance of $304.04. The rent on headquarters has been paid through November 15th so we need to have everything out of there by then. The report will be filed for audit.
Kay Ciha reported a membership of 75 households.
Under Standing Committees: Affirmative Action needed to replace David Smithers. Louise Frakes nominated Tami Schweitzer. Seconded by Steve Maxon. Kay Ciha nominated Jay Santana. Seconded by Dave Schweitzer. Pete Morison moved that nominations cease. Seconded by John Greener. Tami Schweitzer won the vote and will be replacing David Smithers on the Affirmative Action Committee. It is not clear who is the chairperson for this committee.
The Platform Committee had no report.
There was some discussion about who was the chair of the Candidate Development Committee, but no action was taken.
Community Events chairperson John Greener had no report.
Terry Philips was not present to give a Veteran’s Caucus report, but we did have all Veterans stand and be recognized as today was Veterans Day.
It was decided that whether we wanted to recognize other State Approved Caucuses would be discussed at the Organizational Meeting in March.
Under Old Business, Louise Frakes reported that she has reserved the 4-H Building for Sunday, October 18, 2009 for our Annual Fundraiser Dinner. She has also contacted Senator Harkin, Representative Loebsack, Senator Becky Schmidt, and Congressman Marek to come speak at that event. She had not heard back from any of them yet. It was suggested that she also contact Governor Culver. Louise agreed to do that.
Ferd Marie reminded the group that he wants to have the wiener roast in September next year.
Sending thank you notes to those who sponsored the Election Night celebration was discussed. Nan Stark volunteered to write a note to Lorraine Williams for the use of Do-Dici and to Jay Santana for supplying the food.
GOTV was discussed. Chris Street and Jay Santana agreed that it was successful because we had a lot of out-of-the-county help, but that the last day many Washington County people did come out to help. It was stated that we really need to work on getting more Washington County people involved earlier. Jay Santana reported that Obama lost Washington County by only 88 votes! Also, he reported that there was only 44 % voter turn out in Washington county.
Chris Street reported that he has contacted IDP to ask them to please put Washington County with Johnson County when they divide up the counties next time.
Each of the candidates who ran for office and were present asked to speak to the group. Dave Schweitzer thanked the group for their moral and financial support. He reported that his campaign ended up about $1500 in the red. He said he is open to suggestions for how to improve if he runs again.
Merle Haige also thanked the group for their moral and financial support. He said, “I don’t like to loose. I did the best I could but he still beat me. I hope I live long enough to see a Democrat win in Washington County.”
Rodney Stogdill also thanked the group for their moral and financial support. He said, “We need to take the race very seriously and put more effort into it. The Candidate Development Committee needs to work with the candidates more so they’ll know what to do.”
Chris Street spoke on behalf of the Larry Marek campaign. He thanked the group for their financial support and for all their help. He reported that Larry was in Des Moines tonight.
Robin Plattenberger commended Harold Frakes for his letter to the editor. Many others agreed.
Under New Business, Jay Santana reported that there is still a working phone in the office. He volunteered to have all the Democratic possessions stored at his new home as there will be plenty of room. He would like help getting everything packed into marked boxes. Keys need to be turned in to Jay. Larry Marek signs should be returned to Larry.
Richard Gilmore and Robin Plattenberger offered their Victorian Farmhouse for our Christmas Party next month. It will be on our regular meeting date, Tuesday, December 9th, at 7:00 pm. People should bring snack food to share.
Kay Ciha discussed the mailing list with the group. She plans to contact Bill Fredrick for a disk of Washington County voters. Dave Schweitzer and Jay Santana both added that there would be a lot of useful information on the disk.
It was suggested that we put the next meeting dates on our calendars: December 9th —Christmas party; January 13th – regular meeting at Halcyon House; February 10th regular meeting at Halcyon House; March 10th Reorganizational Meeting at Halcyon House.
Meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Frakes, secretary.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Minutes of the October meeting
The Washington County Democrats met in the Day Lounge at Halcyon House on Tuesday, October 14, 2008. Chairperson Sandra Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with 28 people present.
The minutes of last months meeting were approved. The treasurer’s report was given showing a balance of $2986.16. The report will be filed for audit.
Two of the five candidates for Supervisor were present and they gave a report. Candidate for District 1, Bob Goodrich, reported that he has given interviews to the papers and that a group of Brighton Republicans has invited him to come speak to them. He also talked to the group about Home Health Care and a seminar on that that he has attended. He invited people to come to a candidate forum in Wellman on October 16th at 7:00 pm.
Candidate for District 3, Rodney Stogdill, reported that he has quite a few signs out and that people may pick up signs from the Democratic Headquarters. He invited people to come to a candidate forum on October 23rd. He also reported that there is an Independent running in his district.
Dave Schweitzer, candidate for sheriff, said that he has been spending a lot of time in the northern part of the county and has felt that he is being well received. He still has some signs left that need to get put out. He is also sending out a flyer. He invited people to attend all three candidate forums: October 16th in Wellman, October 20th in Washington, and October 23rd in Kalona. He reported that a donor has purchased 30 thirty second spots on KCII for him. Lastly, Dave asked for volunteers to help with phone calls.
Jared from the Loebsack office, asked people to write letters to the editor in support of Congressman Loebsack. He said there are Loebsack signs available in the Democratic Headquarters. He said that Congressman Loebsack will be in a TV debate with his opponent on October 21st on KCRG. KCRG, channel 9 studio, is located at 501 2nd Avenue and they would like a visibility group to gather there at 6:00 pm. He urged anyone interested to come and be a part of that.
Chris Street spoke for the Larry Marek campaign. He reported that Larry’s first commercial is on TV. He asked for volunteers to help with calling.
Terry Philips reported that he has been appointed by the County Supervisors to the Washington County Veterans Commission. Terry has buttons and bumper stickers that read “Veterans for Dave” or “Veterans for Obama”. These can be picked up from Terry or from Democratic Headquarters.
Kay Ciha, treasurer, reported that there are now 75 paid households.
Jay Santana reported that the Washington County website is up and running. He needs information on all the candidates, except Bob Goodrich. Bob’s information is already on the website. E-mail Jay any information you’d like to see posted on the website.
Under Old Business it was reported that there was a good turn out at the wiener roast. A surprise guest was Congressman Loebsack. This will be an annual event, but Ferd would like it to move to September.
There was a discussion about ads for the papers: which papers and what size ads.
Under New Business Harold Frakes moved that the county party give $1000 to the Dave Schweitzer campaign, $500 to the Larry Marek campaign, $100 to each of the Supervisor campaigns, put a $227 ad in the Washington Evening Journal (4 x 8 ) and a $200 ad in the Wellman Advance and Riverside Current (4 x 10). Terry Philips seconded. Motion passed.
It was announced that there are Obama/Biden signs available in the Democratic office.
Second District representative David Smithers has resigned. John Greener nominated Harold Frakes to fill this position. Terry Philips seconded. Harold withdrew his name stating that we needed to have gender balance. Harold nominated Doris Park to fill the position. Jay Santana seconded. Motion passed.
Harold Frakes moved that the Fundraiser Dinner become an annual event and that the Executive Board find a date in October (perhaps the third Sunday). Motion passed. Secretary Louise Frakes was instructed to reserve the 4-H building and to invite Senator Harkin to be our guest speaker.
There was discussion about “Get Out the Vote”. John Greener reported that 3 Obama workers will be staying at his home. There may be other workers who will need housing. We will need people to knock on doors, make phone calls, supply food for the office, be poll watchers, runners, and provide rides to the polls. No action was taken.
Jay Santana reported that Monday, November 3rd, will be The Big Day for making phone calls and knocking on doors. Chris Street passed around volunteer sheets so people could sign up..
It was reported that some people had gotten phone calls saying they can vote by phone. This is NOT TRUE. You must either vote early at the Court House or go to your polling place on Election Day.
Jay Santana reported that the Democratic Headquarters would be open for Presidential Debate watching on Wednesday, October 15th.
An Election Night Party was discussed. Jay Santana will check on the possibility of renting the Soup Kitchen for such a party. More information will come out later.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 11 at 7:00 pm in the Day Lounge at Halcyon House.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectively submitted,
Louise Frakes, secretary.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
September Minutes
September 9, 2008
The Washington County Democratic Party met in the Day Lounge at Halcyon House on Tuesday, September 9, 2008. Chairperson Sandra Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm with 31 people present.
Last month’s minutes were corrected to ready “DCP” instead of “CRP”. Bob Spenner then moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by John Greener. Motion passed.
The treasurer’s report was given with a balance of $1284.00. The report will be filed for audit.
Committee Reports: The web is up and running. You may visit the web at
Candidate reports: Merle Hagie reported that he is in need of a chair for his committee. Please contact Merle if you can help. Dave Schweitzer reported that he has ordered more signs and he has a flyer which he plans to pass out. September 20th Dave will be at the Riverside park from 1 – 4 pm. Dave could use help making phone calls & would appreciate more fund raisers. Jared Hershberger spoke for Congressman Loebsack. He said there are signs in the office that he would appreciate help getting them out into the community. He also reported that the Congressman has made three commercials which will be coming out soon. He said he plans to have Congressman Loebsack at our fundraiser on September 21st. Chris Street spoke for Larry Marek. He said that Larry also has filmed a commercial and that he will be sending out mailings later in the month. He said he can always use help in the office. When Larry arrived from door knocking, he said that AARP is planning to sponsor a forum later in October which he plans to take part in. He announced that there will be an event at Jim & Karen Gorham’s on October 5th at 4:30. It will include a light supper.
Jay Santana reported on the two planks from Washington County that were included in the National Platform. They are Protection of Children from Malicious Marketing and Preparing High School Students for College.
Kay Ciha reported that there are now 76 paid households in our membership.
Terry Philips passed out “Vets for Dave” buttons to all the vets who were present.
Under old business, Ione Burham reported on the Pork Loin Dinner which will be held Sunday, September 21st at the 4-H building. She said we will be ready to serve by 12:30 pm and that all the food has been donated. We could still use donations for the paper products that we will have to buy. She asked for 5 people to help serve food, 3 to do desserts, 2 to do drinks. Louise Frakes reports that we are still in need of one pasta salad and she asked for a volunteer. Robin Plattenberger will be in charge of decorations.
So far no headline speaker has been located. Louise Frakes said she will contact Regina Bailey again to see if she is available. Of course, we will have all our local candidates and Congressman Loebsack.
We plan to have an auction after the speakers. Sandra will contact Bob McConnell, Greg Giardino or Gary Murphy to see if any of them would serve as auctioneer.
Once again a plea was put out for volunteers to help staff the office. People are especially needed from 9:00 am to noon. Please consider volunteering.
Jay Santana reported on the shirts. We can still get polo shirts at the same price and in a wide variety of colors. Contact Jay if you are interested.
Under new business, it was reported that the Obama/Biden signs should be available starting Monday morning. There was a discussion of the Republican VP choice.
The Harkin Steak Fry was announced. Tickets are $30.00 unless you ride the Jefferson or Linn County bus. Then the tickets are $20.00.
There was a discussion about early voting stations. Jay Santana passed around a petition for people to sign if they were in favor of these. People were also reminded that they could vote at the Court House beginning September 25th.
Secretary Louise Frakes sent around a sympathy card for members to sign. She will send the card to the Mayor’s family.
Kay Ciha brought up that our Campaign Ad should go into the papers next month. Last year that cost was $440.00. She asked if anyone knew who worked on that last year.
John Greener announced that Sandra Johnson is currently acting as mayor pro tem. He said we give her our support.
Jay Santana reported that the office will be open October 2nd for anyone wanting to come watch the debates there.
The group was reminded that the wiener roast at Ferd Marie’s will be Sunday, October 12th at 6:00 pm. Please bring a dish to share.
Our next meeting will be October 14th at 7:00 pm in the Day Lounge at Halcyon House.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Louise Frakes, secretary
Sunday, August 17, 2008
August Meeting
August Meeting, 2008
The Washington County Democratic Party met in the Day Lounge at Halcyon House on Tuesday, August 12, 2008. Chairperson Sandra Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm with twenty-eight individuals present.
Vice Chair Richard Gilmore introduced Clint Britt for the Loebsack campaign. Clint asked for volunteers to help that campaign.
Dave Schweitzer thanked Harold and Louise for the ice cream social. He also said he had helped at the Larry Marek work night, that Brett Pfeiffer is his campaign manager, and that he will be attending the Brighton wiener roast on September 28th.
Larry Marek also thanked the Frakes for the ice cream social and all those who had come to his work night the night before. He said he has signs at the Democratic office that volunteers may pick up and place around the county. He will be attending the Lone Tree Parade August 16. Lastly, he updated us on the Wind Farm that is starting to happen in Washington County.
Ferd Marie moved to approve the minutes of the July meeting as amended. Seconded by Terry Philips. Motion passed.
Tamara Schrock gave the web site report. That committee has met three times. The committee consists of Jay Santana, Harold Frakes, Ceanne Alvine, Kay Ciha and herself. She talked a little about what the website will contain and said they hope to have it up and running soon.
Kay Ciha gave the financial report. As of tonight we have $1209.81. She also reported that the Obama campaign has made a commitment to help us with expenses. She reported that the follow amounts of money had been raised at the Ice Cream Social: $775 for Loebsack; $175 for Larry Marek; $250 for Dave Schweitzer; $65 for the County Party and $100 in cash. She asked how we wanted to divide the cash raised at the ice cream social. Harold Frakes moved to divide the cash between the two Supervisor candidates who attended. Thus, Bob Goodrich and Merle Hagie would each receive $50. Dave Schweitzer seconded and the motion passed. Kay will write checks to Bob and Merle.
Sandra Johnson reported that she will check to see where the Second District will be holding their meeting as there had been some talk of holding it in our office. None of our representations to Second District had been notified of the meeting.
Terry Philips reported on the Veterans Affairs Caucus. He said McCain has voted against veterans 42 times. He also reminded the group that Sue Rich is the director of veteran affairs for Washington County.
Kay Ciha reported that we now have 71 paid households. We need to continue to work to get paid members.
Under old business, Chair Sandra Johnson tabled the discussion on unpaid precinct chairs.
The wiener roast at Ferd Marie’s was scheduled for September 14th. Everyone is to bring food to share.
The County Pork Loin Fund Raiser Dinner was set for October 12th. Ione will be in charge. We will sell 200 tickets for $10 each. Suggested keynote speakers: Tom Vilsack, Tom Harkin, Pat Murphy, Michelle Obama, and Chet Culver. Louise Frakes reported that she has filled out paper work at the United Methodist Church and the 4-H building to temporarily hold for us. The church is to let us know Thursday night if we can use their facility.
Sandra also reported that a second Precinct chair has been added to Ward 2. The new co-chair is Brett Evanovich.
Next Sandra reported on the Special Convention which was held August 9th. Six delegates attended and nominated Merle Hagie as our Supervisor candidate for District 4. Sandra moved that Steve’s letter to the auditor and the State code dealing with filling vacancies be added to the minutes of that convention. Ferd Marie seconded and motion passed.
Sandra thanked all those who had worked at the County Fair Booth. She suggested we do fake “ta-toos” next year.
John Stellmach reported that 7 or 8 people attended the meeting to help form the Democratic Platform. Louise Frakes read a note from Jay Santana that two of the Washington County Platform planks have been selected for the National Platform.
Under new business, Chair Sandra Johnson asked Clint Britt to take information to Representative Loebsack that small farmers of less than 10 acres will not receive CRP payments this year because of changes in the new Farm Bill. She is requesting Representative Loebsack to help correct this injustice.
Sandra reminded everyone that the National Convention is August 25 – 28. The party would like to see house parties in very precinct on August 28th. A note from Jay Santana also said that the office will be open that night for those who would like to watch the convention there.
Everett Burham addressed the group about his concern that so few people attend the monthly meeting. He said he sets out 50 chairs each month and we need to work to fill them.
Chris Street reported that the Harkin Steak Fry is September 14th so we need to move Ferd’s wiener roast. It was decided to move the wiener roast to September 21st.
Louise Frakes read a letter from Jay Santana. He had a plea for volunteers at the party office. Please let him know if you can help. Also, he said the office is in need of the following items: paper towels, toilet tissue, some munchies, beverages, and more paper for our printers. He reminded people that we can still order polo shirts and t-shirts. He reported that as of August 1st, he is the State Director of the LGBT vote and the Organizer for Keokuk, Washington, Louisa, and Muscatine Counties in SE Iowa. He will need help making phone calls, knocking doors, writing letters, etc. Please let him know how you can help.
Jay’s letter also reported on the Rural Policy Round Table that was held at the library in Washington. Mike Dunn facilitated the discussion and people from five counties came. It was a good event. Mr. Dunn will be taking our concerns to the National level.
Jay’s letter also reported that it has been officially announced that Senator Obama will be making a trip to Iowa during his “First 100 Days in Office” when he is elected President.
Meeting adjourned at 8:48 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Frakes
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Special Convention August 9, 2008
August 9, 2008
A special reconvened County Convention for the delegates and alternates of District 4 was held Saturday, August 9, at 10:00 am in the Democratic Headquarters office in Washington, Iowa. The purpose of the meeting was to select a new candidate to run for County Supervisor from District 4 because Steve Butler is leaving the state.
Temporary Chair Sandra Johnson called the Convention to order at 10:38 am with five delegates and twelve total people present. John Greener moved that the temporary officers be made permanent officers for this Convention. Barb Edmonson seconded. Motion passed. Officers are Sandra Johnson, chair; Louise Frakes, secretary; John Greener, rules; Terry Philips, Sergeant at Arms.
Chair Sandra Johnson announced that there were 13 delegates selected from District 4 to the County Convention. The rules state that 40% must be present to hold the Convention so we need 5.2 people. Just to be on the safe side, Ms. Johnson said we will wait for the 6th person before taking official action.
Chair Johnson explained the reason for the special session (see Appendix A and B) and introduced the suggested nominee, Merle Hagie. Merle spoke to the group about his background, qualifications, and goals. He answered questions from the group.
At 10:40, the sixth delegate arrived. John Greener moved that we make Merle Hagie our supervisor candidate for District 4. Patrick Finney seconded. The vote was unanimous.
Terry Philips will send an article to the Washington Journal about the Special Convention. The Journal should also publish an interview with Merle Hagie.
The delegates asked how they could help Merle. Chair Johnson said he needs 35 signatures from District 4 to file at the Court House and anyone could help collect those. There was lots of discussion about other ways to help.
At 10:50, the Convention officially adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Frakes
Appendix A
427 East Main St. Washington, Iowa 52353-2018
June 11, 2008
Mr. William c. Fredrick Washington county Auditor P.O. Box 889
Washington, IA 52353-0889
Dear Mr. Frederick:
I am moving out of my county supervisor district. Therefore, I will not be eligible to run for the office in the November, 2008 general election.
Please remove my name from the ballot so that the Democratic Party may nominate someone in my place.
Sincerely yours,
Stephen A. Butler
cc: Washington county Democratic Party
Appendix B
43.77 What constitutes a ballot vacancy.
A vacancy on the general election ballot exists when any political party lacks a candidate for an office to be filled at the general election because:
1. No person filed under section 43.11 as a candidate for the party's nomination for that office in the primary election were found to lack the requisite qualifications for the office or died before the date of the primary election, and no candidate received a sufficient number of write-in votes to be nominated.
43.78 Filling ballot vacancies.
1. A vacancy on the general election ballot may be filled by the political party in whose ticket the vacancy exists, as follows:
a. For senator in the Congress ofthe United States or any office listed in section 39.9, by the party's state convention, which may be reconvened by the state party chairperson if the vacancy occurs after the convention has been held or too late to be filled at the time it is held. However, a vacancy so occurring with respect to the offices of secretary of state, auditor of state, treasurer of state or secretary of agriculture may be filled by the party's state central committee in lieu of reconvening the state convention.
b. For representative in the Congress of the United States, by the party's congressional district convention, which may be convened or reconvened as appropriate by the state party chairperson.
c. For senator or representative in the general assembly, by the party precinct committee members whose precincts lie within the senatorial or representative district involved, who shall be convened or reconvened as appropriate by the state party chairperson. The party's state constitution or bylaws may allow the voting strength of each precinct represented at such a convention to be made proportionate to the vote cast for the party's candidate for the office in question in the respective precincts at the last general election for that office.
d. For any office to be filled by the voters of an entire county, by the party's county convention, which may be reconvened by the county party chairperson if the vacancy occurs after the convention has been held or too late to be filled at the time it is held.
f. For any other partisan office filled by the voters of a subdivision of a county, by those members of the party's county central committee who represent the precincts lying within that district, who shall be convened or reconvened as appropriate by the county party chairperson. However, this paragraph shall not apply to partisan city offices in special charter cities for which candidates are nominated under this chapter, but such ballot vacancies shall be filled as provided by section 43.116.
2. The name of any candidate designated to fill a vacancy on the general election ballot in accordance with subsection 1, paragraph "a", "b", or "c" shall be submitted in writing to the state commissioner not later than five o'clock p.m. on the eighty-first day before the date of the general election.
3. The name of any candidate designated to fill a vacancy on the general election ballot in accordance with subsection 1, paragraph "d", "e", or "f' shall be submitted in writing to the commissioner not later than five o'clock p.m. on the sixty-ninth day before the date of the general election.
4. Political party candidates for a vacant seat in the United States house of representatives, the board of supervisors, the elected county offices, or the general assembly which is to be filled at a special election called pursuant to section 69.14 or 69.l4A shall be nominated in the manner provided by subsection 1 of this section for filling a vacancy on the general election ballot for the same office. The name of a candidate so, nominated shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate commissioner, as required by section 43.88, at the earliest practicable time.
[S13, §1087-a24 - 1087-a27; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §604 - 607, 608, 609, 611, 614, 624, 633, 636, 637; C46, 50,54,58,62,66, 71, 73, §43.76 - 43.79, 43.81, 43.82, 43.84, 43.87, 43.97, 43.101, 43.106, 43.109, 43.110; ",.,r (,A'-' '7L A'l '70 A'1 Q1 A'1 Q') Ll1 Q4 41 'X.7 4.1 q7 4.1 10L 41.109. 43.110: C77. 79.81, &43.781
Executive Board Minutes July 13, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The Executive Board of the Washington County Democrats met Sunday, July 13, 2008 in the home of John Greener. All five officers were there as well as Ferd Marie and Jay Santana.
We discussed Fundraising dates and decided to offer these as our first preference:
• Ice Cream Social at Frakes’ on August 9 or 10 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm. Cans would be placed for each of the candidates for that area: Bob Goodrich, Dave Schweitzer, Larry Marek, and Dave Loebsack, as well as for the County Party. All Supervisor candidates would be encouraged to be present so everyone gets used to seeing their faces. The four listed above would be asked to speak. We also need to find a “Big Name” speaker, but no decision was made about this. Suggestions were Pat Murphy, Christi Vilsack, or Tom Harkin. Before anyone can be contacted as a guest speaker, we need to settle for sure on the date. We are waiting for the Dave Loebsack to check on his calendar.
• Wiener Roast at Ferd Marie’s on September 14 or 21 at 6:00 pm. Basically the same format as the Ice Cream social: cans for the various candidates and speakers.
• Pork Loin Dinner on October 5th or 12th at 1:00 p.m. Ione Burham would be in charge of organizing this. We would sell advanced tickets with the goal of selling at least 200 tickets at $10.00 each. We would need to get some big name speakers for this event and have all our candidates present. The money from the ticket sales would go to the County Party to help cover the expenses we have. We would try to get all the food donated. Richard will check on the availability of the Methodist Church for this event.
The next item for discussion was the Web site. All were in favor of going ahead with this and going through “1 and 1”. Jay Santana and Harold Frakes would serve as the web masters. Sandra will contact the following people to see if they would serve on the initial committee to decide what should be on the web: Kay Ciha, Ceanne Alvine, Tamra Schrock, as well as Harold Frakes and Jay Santana. The price of the website for the first three months would be $4.99 a month. After that the price would be $9.99.
We briefly went over the re-convening of the County Convention. Louise is to contact the precinct chairs for District 4 and Merle Hagie and invite them to attend as well as the delegates and alternates who were selected for the original County Convention. This will be held August 9th at 10:00 am in the Democratic office headquarters. Sandra is checking with the Second District and State IDP to be sure we are doing this correctly.
Jay Santana suggested hosting the next Second District meeting and using it as a fund raiser. Sandra will send them an invitation. Richard will bring one of his big tables to the office as well as more chairs. Jay will check on places to get their lunch: possibly Subway or Hy Vee. The date of August 13th was suggested for this event.
Adding a second precinct chair to Ward 2 was discussed as they only elected one person. It was decided that we would offer this position to Brett Evanovich. Sandra will contact Brett.
The final item to be discussed was the County Fair Booth. Sandra announced that the frame is set up. The following decisions were made:
• Richard will take the tables and four chairs from headquarters out to the fair booth
• There will be order forms for the polo shirts at the booth and people will be encouraged to buy the County shirts. They must pay when they order.
• We will have stickers for as many of the candidates as possible
• There will be membership forms at the booth and we will encourage people to sign up and become members
• Kay Ciha will bring two 5-gallon containers and cups so that we will give away lemonade again this year.
• Sandra will bring two 5 gallon buckets for trash.
Meeting adjourned.
Louise Frakes, secretary
July Minutes 2008
July Meeting, 2008
The Washington County Democratic Party met in the Day Lounge at Halcyon House on Tuesday, July 8, 2008. Chairperson Sandra Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm with twenty-five individuals present.
Events chair, John Greener, reported on the July 4th Parade in Wellman. He said there were lots of people and the Democrats were represented with 5 vehicles and lots of people.
Sheriff Candidate Dave Schweitzer reported that he had 9 walkers in the Wellman parade all in Schweitzer t-shirts. He has post cards, stickers, and signs for yards. He will be at the fair Monday and Wednesday during the day and Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
Candidate Larry Marek reported that he will have a birthday party fund raiser at John Greener’s on July 13th from 4 – 6 pm. He invited everyone to attend. He also said he has been very busy calling knocking on doors, attending parades, and attending coffees.
Terry Philips moved that the June minutes be approved as printed. Ferd Marie seconded. Motion passed.
Kay Ciha gave the treasurer’s report. Available cash is $1824.76. We will need to have a fund raiser to pay the rent and to help our candidates. John Greener moved that we pay Steve Maxon $20.00 for gas. Seconded by Bob Spenner. Motion passed.
Kay Ciha reported that as of July 5th we have 65 paid households. Louise Frakes brought up that some unpaid members are precinct chair-people and this may be in conflict with our constitution. Sandra stepped away from the chair to speak to this issue. She stated that she is opposed to asking them to pay. Bob Spenner agreed. Doris Park suggested inviting them to join and come to a meeting. Kay Ciha replied that they have all been sent a “request for membership” form. Heated discussion followed.
Terry Philips moved that we send them a note saying their membership is being paid by someone else as Sandra offered to pay their membership. Sandra Johnson made a friendly amendment to establish a “scholarship for members’ so people won’t know who paid it. Louise seconded. Terry Philips called the question. Ione Burham questioned if paying for them might offend some and stated that the letter would need to be carefully written. Motion carried with two opposed. Terry Philips was appointed to write the letter, but to get Executive Board approval before sending it.
Sandra Johnson regained the chair and stated that she will call a meeting of the committee who originally drafted that Constitution and By-Laws. The committee would go over those documents again to see if changed need to be made.
It was reported that the Second District has lots of problems and wrong information on its website. Sandra has written to them to clarify this. Secretary Louise Frakes has also sent them updated information about our County party and officers.
Terry Philips reported on the Veterans Caucus. He said they have elected new officers. The Regional Conference is being postponed. The next meeting of the Veterans Caucus will be July 12 in North Liberty.
The Candidate Recruitment/Development Committee reported and asked Sandra Johnson to introduce Merle Hagie as a possible District 4 supervisor candidate. Merle spoke to the group. He said he is currently on the Washington City Council and various committees. He was one of the first to work for the establishment of five supervisors. He ended by saying, “Choose the candidate that you think is the most electable and will do the best job.”
Terry Philips asked for an explanation of how that position would be filled. Sandra read from the State code that the candidate would be selected by delegates fo that district to the County Convention. There were 13 delegates from District 4 so a special session of the County Convention involving those delegates would be held. That convention would need to be held between August 4 and August 27. The candidate’s name along with a petition of 30 signatures would have to be filed in the Auditor’s office by August 27th.
Jay Santana suggested holding the “mini-Convention at the Democratic office. Terry Philips moved to hold it Saturday, August 9th at 10:00 am at the Democratic office. Jay Santana seconded. Motion carried with 4 opposed.
Terry moved that if it appears that the convention will not meet quorum, the Executive Board may propose another date. Jay Santana seconded. Motion passed. Secretary Louise Frakes will call delegates and alternates from District 4 to determine if there would be a quorum. Jay Santana volunteered to help with the calling if needed.
Guest Faith Bromwich, from the Iowa City area, asked to speak to the group. She is a National Delegate and thanked the group for her support. She also spoke about the “Economics and Human Rights for All People” Caucus. She asked for donations to help her get to Denver to the Convention.
Jay Santana reported that only three Washington County delegates had attended the State Convention. This was a very disappointing number.
The County Fair Booth (July 13 – 18) was discussed. Jay Santana sent around a sign up sheet for workers. Sandra appointed Mike Roe, Bob Spenner, Terry Philips, and herself to set the booth up on Sunday, July 13, at 4:00 pm. She said they would welcome others to help them.
Sandra read a letter for Senator Barack Obama about5 the Democratic Platform asking for input from all. Those suggestions then will be sent to a national committee to weld them into the National Platform. Our county will meet July 26 at 2:00 at the Democratic Headquarters to work on this project.
Jay Santana reported on the availability of t-shirts and polo shirts with our new logo. Members were encouraged to purchase and wear these shirts.
Jay Santana reported on our Flood Relief project. He said two trips had already been made to deliver donations and the rest of the things would be taken there soon. Other members reported on other groups that were also making contributions to help with Flood Relief efforts.
Upcoming events include the County Fair, the Ice Cream Social at Frakes, the National Convention, the Regional Veterans Conference, July 12 Candidate Training, fall wiener roast at Ferd Marie’s, and a fund raiser dinner for the County Party.
Louise Frakes brought up the possibility of setting up a Washington County website. There was much discussion, especially about the cost. Dave Schweitzer said that we might be able to set up a website for $69 for 6 months through 1 and Jay Santana volunteered to look into this and report back at the next meeting. The group gave approval to go ahead with the website if the cost seemed reasonable.
Chairman Sandra Johnson thanked the Executive Board for the flowers they sent for her mother’s funeral and thanked the group for the many cards she has received.
The next meeting will be August 12th at 7:00 pm at the Day Lounge at Halcyon House. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Candidate Training
Washington County Democratic Candidates!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A date has been set for the candidate training that our party is offering to you!
Saturday, July 12, 2008 from 7pm -9pm is the date to remember!
This training is open to you and any member(s) of your committee and treasurers too!
Please email Jay Santana with any requests for specific material or topics that you would like to have covered.
Materials related to the training will be provided by Jay.
When you come for this session, please bring your DR-1 and DR-2 IF you have filed either of them yet.
We look forward to seeing you at the training session!!!!!
Jay Santana
(319) 621-0915 - Cell
(866) 758-6950 - Fax *TOLL FREE*
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Minutes of June Meeting
June Meeting, 2008
The Washington County Democratic Party met in the Day Lounge at Halcyon House on Tuesday, June10, 2008. Chairperson Sandra Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm with twenty-seven individuals present.
Candidates or their representatives were introduced. Patti Rowe spoke on behalf of Mike Rowe who had not yet arrived. Mike is running for Supervisor in District 5. David Smithers reported that he is a candidate for National Delegate. Chris Street, campaign manager for Larry Marek, reported that there would be a “Meet & Greet” coffee in Brighton this Saturday from 10:00 am – 11:30; and an Open House at Kay Ciha’s on June 21st from 2 - 4 pm. Dave Schweitzer, candidate for Sheriff, told about his “Kick Off “ event last Saturday. He felt it had gone very well. He gave dates of the many events he has coming up. Jon Stellmach reported that he, too, is running for National Delegate. Mike Niffenegger, Supervisor candidate for District 2, was introduced.
Terry Philips congratulated Mike Niffenegger on his win and wished him good luck in November. He also said that Regina Utz is now running as an Independent. On a different note, Terry encouraged Dave Schweitzer to write a column for the Kalona News and perhaps other papers would begin to also publish Dave’s column.
Harold Frakes reported that Bonnie Banister’s mother had passed away. Louise sent a sympathy card around for people to sign.
Minutes of the May meeting were approved as published on our blog. Kay Ciha gave the financial report. Our current balance is $2,182.76. Bills that were paid include: June rent for Headquarters, stamps, Washington County Fair Booth rent, water deposit, some office supplies, and candy for the Washington parade. Bills totaled $647.01. A donation can was passed around.
Chairperson Sandra Johnson thanked all who donated items for the office, those who helped with the Grand Opening, Tamara Schrock for her hay rack for the parade, Dave Schweitzer for the truck to pull the hay rack, Pete Morrison for setting up the wireless, and Jay Santana for all his help.
Kay reported that there are now 63 paid households for 2008.
John Greener reported on the upcoming parades and asked for chair-people for each one. June 21st is the Brighton parade. Harold Frakes will chair this event. June 21st is also the Kalona parade and Steve Maxon will chair this one. June 28th is the Riverside parade with Bob Spenner as chair. July 4th is the Wellman parade. John Greener and Bob Goodrich will chair this parade.
Terry Philips reported on the Veterans Caucus. They are working on plans for the August1st and 2nd Convention in Riverside. Terry said he hoped people from our group would help with that and that many will attend.
There was no old business. Under new business, it was announced that Steve Butler plans to withdraw as candidate for County Supervisor in District 4, as he is moving out of the county. The County Convention will need to re-convene and only those delegates from District 4 will be allowed to vote on a new choice for Supervisor candidate. We have until August 9th to fill this position, but it would be good to do it sooner. Terry Philips reported that someone who ran against Adam Mangold on the Republican ticket might run as an Independent.
Harold Frakes moved that we fill the Candidate Development Committee and have people submit names to this committee. The committee would then contact those people to see if they are interested in running for that position. Terry Philips seconded. Motion passed. The following people were assigned to that committee: Terry Philips, Jay Santana, John Greener, Ceanne Alvine, and Tami Schweitzer. No chairperson was named.
Jay Santana gave a report on ordering new Washington County polo or t-shirts. Louise Frakes moved that we order polo shirts for $16 and t-shirts for $12; that the logo would be approved by the Executive Board and that people order their shirts tonight. Terry Philips seconded. Motion passed.
Chairperson Sandra Johnson announced that the Democratic headquarters needs to be staffed with volunteers. A sign up sheet was passed around for people to fill this need.
Bob McConnell spoke about encouraging Mike Hora to run as Supervisor candidate. Bob suggested that perhaps Mike would even consider changing to the Democratic party to run.
Sandra Johnson encouraged car-pooling to State Convention. The convention will be Saturday, June 14th. She also announced that the National Democratic Convention will be August 25 – 28th in Denver, Colorado.
Since Mike Rowe arrived late, he was given an opportunity to speak as well. He said his opponent would be Jim Rosien. Mike plans to stress individual contact within his district.
Kay Ciha announced that there would be an Open House at her home on June 21st from 2 – 4 pm as a fundraiser for Larry Marek. Dave Loebsack will be guest speaker and all are encouraged to attend.
Harold Frakes asked if we needed to provide a ‘running for office’ workshop for the five supervisors or anyone else. He suggested that perhaps the candidates could come up with a list of what they would do if elected. Jay Santana moved that we offer training to all County Candidates, which he would do at the County Democratic Headquarters. Seconded by Kay Ciha. Motion passed. Jay Santana will provide the training.
David Smithers moved that we ask Johnson County to assist us with any resources they have that we might need. Seconded by John Greener. John Noonan said he would check into that.
David Smithers passed out a resolution on forming a Human Rights Caucus and moved that we accept this resolution. Jon Stellmach seconded. There was much discussion. Harold Frakes moved that we table this resolution until the next meeting so that we can look at our Constitution and By-Laws to see how it fits in. John Greener seconded. The voice vote was too close to call so a show of hands was taken. The motion to table the resolution until the July meeting was passed. The Executive Board will need to take this up before the July meeting and bring a recommendation to The Committee as a Whole.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Frakes, secretary.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Minutes of May meeting
May meeting of the Washington County Democratic Party
The Washington County Democratic Party met in the Day Lounge at the Halcyon House on Tuesday, May 13, 2008. Chairperson Sandra Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:05pm with thirty-one individuals present.
John Greener introduced Dave Schweitzer who is seeking the office of Sheriff. Mr. Schweitzer said that he recently ordered signs for his campaign and that they will be up in a few weeks. He said that he is looking for a lot of assistance and guidance in his campaign. He was asked about the controversy surrounding the jail housing out-of-county inmates with no contracts. Mr. Schweitzer responded that he did not like the idea of not having a contract, he said, “it’s just not good business in my opinion.”
John Greener then introduced various candidates seeking the office of County Supervisor. Candidates included: Terry Phillips, Mike Roe, and Rodney Stogdill. Each candidate provided a brief campaign update and details of events that they had attended.
John Greener then introduced Larry Marek, candidate for the Iowa House of Representatives for our District. Mr. Marek introduced Chris Street. Mr. Street is his Campaign Manager and will be assisting Mr. Marek throughout his campaign. Mr. Marek detailed the many events that he has attended over the past month. Mr. Marek also said that he will be attending two events held for him in the near future. The first is a house party at the home of Linda Boston on May 31, 2008 from 2-4pm. The second event he discussed will be held in Pleasant Plain (Jeffeson County), also on May 31, 2008 beginning at 10am. More details of these events may be secured by calling Chris Street via email at: .
John Greener then asked that the three candidates for National Delegate to the National Convention to introduce themselves and speak briefly. The three candidates who spoke were: Faith Bromwhich, John Stellmach, and Tamra Schrock. Each candidate explained the issues important to them in this election cycle.
John Greener asked for Presidential candidate updates. Bonnie Banister spoke on behalf of Senator Clinton and Jay Santana spoke on behalf of Senator Obama.
John Greener informed all of the candidates that he has sign frame wire available for use at him home. He said to call him at (319) 653-5208 to set up a time to come get some wire.
It was announced by the Chairperson that Ms. Frakes was not able to attend the meeting and that she (Chairperson) did not have a hard copy of the minutes of the April meeting with her. Tony Rios made a motion to accept the meeting minutes from April, as published on the web site/blog. The motion was seconded by Terry Philips. There was no opposition to the motion and it carried. Said motion was approved and accepted by the Chairperson.
Kay Ciha gave the Treasure’s report. The Party began April 1, 2008 with $2015.90 cash on hand, had income of $680.00 (memberships) and expenditures totaling $440.13. Cash on hand May 13, 2008 is was $2,255.77. Jim Gorham made a motion to accept the Treasure’s report. Motion was seconded by Pete Morrison. Hearing no opposition to the motion, the Chairperson accepted and passed the motion.
At this time, the Chairperson called upon John Greener to detail upcoming events that the Party should plan at participating in. The first event discussed was Ridiculous Days which will be held on June 7, 2008 in Washington. It is believed that the parade will begin at 1pm. Whoopie Days will be held in Brighton on June 21, 2008. Trek Fest will be held in Riverside the last Saturday in June. The Washington County Fair will be held July 13-18 at the Washington County Fairgrounds. The executive committee will take care of setting up the booth. Jay Santana will work to schedule volunteers to man the booth throughout the fair.
Terry Philips spoke on behalf of the Veterans Caucus. The Caucus will next meet at the State Convention on June 14, 2008. He explained that the Veteran’s Caucus is one of the most active caucuses in our state. He provided some details about recent federal legislation that mandates that every county have a veteran’s services coordinator who is nationally trained/certified. The Veteran’s Caucus will be holding a Mid-West Regional Caucus meeting on August 1 and 2, 2008 at the Convention Complex in Riverside, Iowa. Mr. Philips informed the body that the Veteran’s Caucus is selling “2nd Call of Duty” bracelets for $2.00 each to anyone interested.
Headquarters Report was given by Jay Santana. He was able to negotiate the space located at 217 West Main Street for $350.00 month plus utilities. The Party takes occupancy on June 1, 2008. He requested that Party members assist by donating office furniture and/or supplies for use through November 2008. Pete Morrison will be assisting with telephone set up and IT concerns.
An open house is planned for June 7, 2008 from 2pm-4pm. Also, Tamra Schrock is planning an event for young democrats the same day following the open house—more information to follow as she gets committee members and a more solid plan.
A weiner roast is planned for September at Ferd Marie’s. More information to follow as it becomes available and the date gets closer.
David Smithers made a motion to have the Party endorse the three candidates for National Delegate. The motion was seconded by Mike Roe. A question was asked if we, as individual party members would have to decided on only one of the candidates; no we as the Party would be endorsing all three candidates. The motion was unopposed. The Chairperson accepted and approved the motion.
Kay Ciha explained the neighbor-to-neighbor postcard program and encouraged all party members to participate. Ms. Ciha explained the importance of the program.
The next meeting will be held June 10, 2008 at 7:oopm in the Day Lounge at the Halcyon House.
Motion to adjourn by Jim Gorham; seconded by Dave Schweitzer. Chairperson hearing no objections adjourned the meeting at 8:49pm
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Change in monthly meeting schedule
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Iowa 2nd District Convention April 26, 2008
April 26, 2008 at 9:00AM,
Mt Vernon High School, 525 Palisades Rd., Mount Vernon, IA 52314
Event organizers have asked convention goers to be aware of the following:
PARKING: "Due to the anticipated number attending the convention some will need to park in remote lots. While a shuttle bus is being provided carpooling is very strongly encouraged!"
SILENT AUCTION: "This event adds fun and revenue to the convention. Please communicate to convention goers in your county to encourage folks to bring items Saturday morning. Political memorabilia such as campaign items, books, posters, buttons, pins are great. Home baked goods, gift certificates, handicrafts or anything of value is welcome. If you have questions about an item you wish to donate please contact Jerry Stewart : or Lisa Schreihart : Recognition of donors and their home county will be made at the auction."
If you would like to carpool, here are delegates, alternates and committee persons for district convention:
Ainsworth: Wes Madsen; Brighton: Louise and Harold Frakes; Crawfordsville: Jennifer Miller; Kalona: Robert Barrick, Antonio Rios; Riverside: Carolyn Hudson, Paul LaPorte, Robert Spenner; Washington:Bonnie Bannister, Larry Bartlett, Tasha Beghtol, Carl Berst, Janet Caldwell, Barret Gady, Erin Hepner-Elgin,Jerry Partridge, Brent Pfeiffer, Jay Santana, Tamra Schrock, Fred Stark, John Stellmach, Kathleen Wiley; Wellman: Jennifer Beresford, Robert Grigsby, Steve Maxon and Doris Park, Dianne and Matt Schaeffer, David Smithers.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
April 1, 2008 Minutes
The Washington County Democratic Party met in the Day Lounge at Halcyon House on Tuesday, April 1, 2008. Chairperson Sandra Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm with 38 people present.
John Greener introduced guest Larry Marek, who is running for the Iowa House of Representatives. Larry told about the busy schedule he has been keeping, with nearly some meeting every day. He also talked about what is coming up in terms of training sessions and groups he is scheduled to meet with. He asked for help with door knocking, meeting more people, finding places to put signs, and finding people to host coffee’s for him. He is also planning to attend the various parades this summer.
Next, John introduced the various candidates running for County Supervisor. They were Terry Philips for District 2, Mike Niffenegger for District 2, Mike Roe for District 5, Bob Goodrich for District 1, Steve Jensen for District 3, and Regina Utz for District 2. The candidates told about their background and what they see as important for the supervisors to do. Louise Frakes passed around a diagram showing what all the supervisors are involved with.
Sandra Johnson went into some detail about where signs can be placed. She said signs can go up anytime. She also said candidates needed to file forms DR1 and DR2 with the state.
Dave Schweitzer, candidate for Sheriff, was introduced. He talked about his background, why he feels he is qualified for the position, what he thinks some of the problems in law enforcement are, and how he would like to work to help solve them. He asked for our support. He can be contacted at
Mike Phenicie spoke about why he is supporting Hillary, but stressed that whoever gets the nomination, we all have to work together to get that person elected.
Convention minutes were passed around. John Greener moved that they be accepted. Mike Phenicie seconded. Motion passed
Louise Frakes, secretary, read the March minutes. Terry Philips moved to accept them. Jay Santana seconded. Motion passed.
Kay Ciha, treasurer, gave the treasury report. She said we had $600 in new memberships, $225 from the Convention breakfast, and $30 in t-shirt sales. Expenses were $75 for the renting of the Mennonite Church for the Convention, $175 for the mailing permit, $66.02 for Convention ads, and $19.60 for postcards. Our new balance is $2015.90. The report will be filed for audit.
Under the Membership Report, Kay reported that we now have 85 households.
David Smithers reported on 2nd District. He said their website is
Sandra appointed the following people to fill the District Convention committees: Rules Committee: Wes Madsen; Credentials Committee: David Smithers; Arrangements: Jay Santana; Platform: John Stellmach; 2nd District Central Committee: David Smithers, Jay Santana, and John Stellmach.
Terry Philips reported on the Veterans Caucus. He told about the Riverside soldier whose death the army is reporting as a suicide. The family has asked Representative Dave Loebsack to look into it. He also said 20 – 25 % of all homeless people are Vets. He asked if our Vets position has been incorporated into our Constitution and By Laws.
Under Old Business, Sandra thanked Ione and everyone who helped with the County Convention.
Under New Business, Sandra announced that the 2nd District Convention will be Saturday, April 26th, at the Mt. Vernon High School beginning at 9:00 am. She asked that people please car pool to the convention. She reported that 75% of the National Delegates will be selected at the District Conventions. The remaining 25% will be selected at the State Convention.
Other dates of importance are Primary Election on June 3rd; State Convention on June 14th; National Convention in Denver on August 25th – 28th.
Larry Marek asked about a shared office for himself with the County party. It was reported that the Chamber will be moving to their new office in about 40 days and that would be a great location for us. Jay Santana was appointed to look into that. Terry Philips moved that Jay be authorized to secure a lease on the former Obama office at $300 and to negotiate the best deal he could on utilities. Motion passed.
The next meeting will be May 6th at 7:00 pm in the Day Lounge.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Frakes, secretary
Washington County Convention 2008
March 15, 2008
The Washington County Democratic Convention was held Saturday, March 15, 2008 at the Mennonite Church in Washington, Iowa. A breakfast of egg casserole, biscuits and gravy, rolls, juice and coffee was served for a free will offering.
Chair Sandra Johnson called the Convention to order at 9:07 am with 101 people present. Richard Gilmore moved to make the delegates, as certified by the County Chair to the County Auditor, the temporary delegates to the convention." Terry Philips seconded. Motion passed.
Veterans were asked to stand and be recognized. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
Candidates for various Democratic positions were introduced. Larry Marek, candidate for the House of Representatives, told of his background and his priorities for the legislature if he is elected. He asked for everyone’s support.
Bob Goodrich, candidate for County Supervisor in District one, was introduced to the group. Bob told of his background and his concerns for the County.
Regina Utz, candidate for County Supervisor in District two, said that she has brochures and a website ( where people could learn more about her.
Terry Philips, candidate for County Supervisor in District two, told of his background. He said his slogan is “Responsive government at a reasonable cost.” Terry also said that there are eight elected positions at the county level and only one is held by a Democrat. He encouraged everyone to help get more Democrats elected.
Rodney Stogdill, candidate for County Supervisor in district three, was not present. We do not have candidates for district four or five at this time. Other elected positions that are open are the sheriff and the auditor.
Richard Gilmore moved that Sandra Johnson become the permanent chair for the convention. Seconded by Fred Stark. Motion passed. Fred Stark moved that Louise Frakes be permanent secretary for the convention. Seconded by Regina Utz. Motion passed.
Sandra announced that the District Convention will be held on April 26th at Mt. Vernon High School. We get 16 delegates for that convention which will be elected today. Those delegates will also go to State Convention which is June 14th.
Terry Philips spoke on behalf of the Iowa Veterans Caucus. He sated that their goals were to get national candidates to pay attention to veteran issues and to get legislation passed to help veterans.
Senator Becky Schmidt stopped by to greet the convention on her way to the Legislative Briefing. She told of how much the legislature was able to accomplish because of the Democratic majority and Democratic Governor. She took a few questions from the floor before hurrying to her next meeting.
Kay Ciha read a letter from Congressman Dave Loebsack. Dave thanked everyone for helping to get him elected and asked for our support for re-election.
At 10:05 am Linda Boston gave the report of the credential committee. She reported that there were 50 delegates seated and we needed 65. Twenty-seven of the Obama delegates were present. They needed to select 3 alternates to become delegates. Clinton has 14 delegates present. They needed to select 6 more. Edwards had seven delegates present. They needed to select six more. Richardson had two delegates.
Jerry Partridge moved that we break into preference groups to elect the alternates to fill the delegate positions. Wendy Heck seconded. Motion passed and the group broke into preference groups.
After the alternates were selected and realignment was done, Obama had 40 delegates and could elect ten to District; Clinton had 25 delegates and could elect 6 to District.
The Obama delegates for District Convention are Larry Bartlett, Diane Schaeffer, Louise Frakes, Barrett Gady, Brent Pfeiffer, Tarin Allen, Jay Santana, John Stellmach, Wes Madsen, and Jennifer Beresford. Obama alternates are Paul La Porte, Fred Stark, Tasha Beghtol, Bob Barrick, Robert Spenner, Jerry Partridge, David Smithers, Doris Park, Matt Schaeffer, Steve Maxon and Bob Grigsby.
The Clinton delegates for District Convention are Harold Frakes, Carl Berst, Tony Rios, Bonnie Banister, Tamara Schrock, and Janet Caldwell. Clinton alternates are Kathy Wiley, Carolyn Hudson, Erin Heppner, and Jennifer Miller.
Fred Stark moved that we ratify these delegates and alternates. Terry Philips seconded. Motion passed.
Harold Frakes moved that we suspend the rules to allow everyone in the room to vote on the platform. Terry Philips seconded. Motion passed.
Fred Stark moved that we accept the Platform as written. Seconded by Bob Goodrich. David Smithers added a friendly amendment to allow other planks from the floor. Motion passed.
Harold Frakes presented two planks from the floor. The first one was about adding something about medical research. Jerry Partridge moved to accept this plank. Bob Spenner seconded. Motion passed. The second one was to add pharmaceutical companies to p. 6 of the Platform. Robin Plattenberger moved we adopt that change. John Stellmach seconded. Motion passed.
Fred Stark moved to accept the Platform with these changes and amendments. Terry Philips seconded. Motion passed.
Sandra asked for volunteers for the Affirmative Action committee. Brent Pfeiffer, Anthony Rios, and David Smithers volunteered to serve. Paul La Porte moved we have them serve as a committee of three and that they elect their own chair. Bob Goodrich seconded. Motion passed.
Harold Frakes moved that we accept the following people to serve on Central Committee. Robin Plattenberger seconded. Motion passed. Central Committee will consist of the following:
Ainsworth: Mike Mitchel and Randy Wehr
Brighton: Harold Frakes and JoAnn Zager
English River: Kay Ciha and Terry Philips
Kalona: Kristi Sabaski and Tony Rios
Riverside: Bob Spenner and Carol Butler
Ward 1: John Greener, Jim Gorham, and Carol Ray
Ward 2: Brett Pfeiffer
Ward 3: Sandra Johnson, Jay Santana, and Bonnie Bannister
Ward 4: Tasha Beghtol and Richard Gilmore
Wellman: Tarin Allen and Steve Maxon
Harold Frakes presented the highlights of the Washington County Democratic Constitution. He then moved to ratify the constitution. Mike Phenicik seconded. Motion passed. Sandra Johnson moved to amend the constitution to add a Veteran position. Rationale: The state party has asked each county to have a veteran committee. Terry Philips seconded. Motion passed.
Harold Frakes explained the by –laws and moved that we adopt them. Terry Philips seconded. Motion passed.
John Stellmach was selected to the District Platform Committee. Jay Santana was selected as the alternate.
Sandra Johnson acknowledge the kitchen committee and said that a note of appreciation would be sent to Ione Burham and JoAnn Zager for all their hard work and delicious food.
It was announced that the next monthly meeting would be April 1st at the Day Lounge at Halcyon House at 7:00 pm
The Convention adjourned at 12:27 noon.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Frakes, secretary
March 4, 2008 Minutes
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Washington County Democrats met Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at the Morrison Center in Halcyon House with 22 people present. Sandra Johnson, chair, called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.
John Greener, immediate past chair, introduced Larry Marek who is our State Representative candidate. Larry told about himself, his community involvement, and his priorities if he is elected. His top priority is education. He is also interested in developing good paying jobs, agriculture, and healthy small communities. He reported that 3 weeks ago he had held a fund raising event at which Senator Tom Harkin was a guest. About 40 people had attended. He has also attended a 2-day strategy meeting in Des Moines which he found interesting and helpful. He said he needs help with door knocking and asked if people would be interested in holding events for him to meet people. Please let him know if you are willing to host something for him.
Next, John introduced Terry Philips who is running for County Supervisor in District 2. Terry reported on some of the issues facing the County Supervisors. One of their top issues is going to be dealing with the roads as they are in very bad shape due to the weather we have had this winter. They are also working on a comprehensive plan that would involve zoning for the county.
Then John introduced Rodney Stogdill who is running for Supervisor in District 3. Rodney stated that his top priority is fiscal responsibility.
John announced that word had just been received that Washington has been selected as a “Main Street Community”.
Sandra reported that her mother is now in hospice care and that is taking a lot of Sandra’s time, energy, and attention.
Secretary Louise Frakes read the minutes of the February meeting because they had not been posted to the blog. The minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer, Kay Ciha, gave the treasurers report. She had written a check for $111.20 to the Washington Evening Journal for the “Call to Caucus” ad, leaving us a balance of $1524.75. The financial report will be filed for audit.
Kay reported that we have 76 households of paid memberships, 14 of which have paid 2008 dues. The others are carry-overs from 2007. We will set up a place at the County Convention for people to pay this year’s dues. Hopefully, that will bring more people on board.
Terry Philips reported on the Veterans Caucus. They are hoping to host a National Convention at the Riverside Resort in August. One of their main goals is to get every county to have a director of Veterans Affairs and to secure more Federal money for Iowa vets. Their next meeting is March 22 in Cedar Rapids. Contact Terry is you would like more information about that meeting.
Under Old Business, John Greener moved and Tom Antosiak seconded that we renew the bulk mailing permit for $175 and make it available for candidates to use, but they would have to do their own work and pay whatever postage for they use. The motion passed.
Under New Business, Sandra announced that the Convention Call has been mailed. She has rented the Washington Mennonite Church for $75.00 for the Convention Hall on Saturday, March 15. Those willing to help with set up need to be there by 7:30 a.m. Registration and the breakfast will be from 8:00 – 9:00. The Convention will be called to order at 9:00 a.m. The proposed ad will be a 4 ½ x 3 inches at a cost of $41.70 and will run on Monday, March 10th. Louise Frakes will send information on the County Convention to the local papers for their announcement sections and Kay Ciha will contact KCII.
John Greener suggested that Precinct Chairs personally contact delegates and alternates and encourage them to attend the convention.
Terry Philips moves and Tony Rios seconded that the Rules Committee for the Convention consist of Richard Gilmore, Sandra Johnson, Kay Ciha, Everett Burham, John Greener, and Fred Stark. Motion passed.
Sandra appointed Tom Antosiak and Tony Rios to the Credentials Committee.
Richard Gilmore moved and Robin Plattenberger seconded that the Platform Committee consist of Harold Frakes, chair, Steve Maxon, vice-char, Doris Park, Kevin Caldwell, Laurie Wittmayer-O’Neill, and Ed Butler. Motion passed.
The Arrangements committee will be Sandra Johnson, JoAnn Zager, and Ione Burham.
The District Convention will be April 26th at Mt. Vernon High School. Packet from the State Democratic party should arrive soon to let us know how many people we can elect to the District Convention.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Our next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on April 1st in the Day Lounge at Halcyon House, 1015 South Iowa Ave.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Frakes, secretary
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Caucus Delegates earned:
Clinton 19
Edwards 19
Obama 25
Richardson 2
Total 65
Convention Delegates following realignment:
Clinton 25
Obama 40
Total 65
Delegates advancing to District Convention
April 26, 2008 at Mt. Vernon, IA:
Clinton 6
Obama 10
Total 16
103 attended our convention. Thanks to all
delegates, alternates, officers, members who
contributed their time and talent to our event!
Friday, March 7, 2008
March 15
Date: Saturday, March 15, 2008
Place: Washington Mennonite Church, 815 E. Polk St., Washington, IA
Time: 8:00 - 9:00 Registration
Call to Order: 9:00 A.M.
Agenda Items: Adoption of platform
Adoption/ratification of resolutions
Nomination of delegates and alternates to District Convention Sat. April 26, 2008 Mt. Vernon, IA
Nomination and election of committee members to District Convention
Ratification of County Constitution and By-Laws
Our County Convention is open to the public. Coffee, rolls, juice, sausage gravy and biscuits will be available from 8AM to 9AM for a free will offering to offset building rental and other convention expenses. Learn more about our party and process. Bring a friend, then make new ones.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Minutes Oct. 2, 2007
The meeting was delayed by a storm with tornado sirens blaring, and we spent the first few minutes in a designated shelter area.
Then Sandra Johnson, chair of the county Democrats, called the meeting to order.
John Greener introduced guests and candidates and presented a calendar of campaign events occurring in the next few days.
First speaker was Valerie Biden Owens, sister of Sen. Joe Biden. She began by saying that, agreeing with her "much, much, much older brother ... the race is about you, your hopes and your aspirations and your future. ..." She said,we would be "electing the leader of the free world ... whose job it is to save the best vestiges of civilization as we know it. ..." She said her brother is a lot like the people he has met in Iowa, who are "the heart of the campaign ... getting up each day and thinking you can make a difference." Sen. Biden "hates bullies [and] the abuse of power ... [and there has been] abuse of power for the last seven years."
Ms. Owens spoke of Sen. Biden's having to cope with tragedy (in the loss of his wife and infant daughter in an auto accident shortly after he was elected to the Senate at age 22) and illness over the years. She said he understands that there is "more that unites us than divides us." He wants to help our veterans. He wants to restore the middle class with education and health care. He offers ideas.
Next speaker was Kiana Scott for Sen. Barack Obama, who will be at the Washington County fairground tomorrow, on his 15th wedding anniversary--after which he will go right back to Chicago. She spoke of his having opposed the Iraq war in the beginning, which took "incredible bravery ... to go public with his opposition to the war at that time." The Obama campaign had raised just over $500,000 in donations since he announced he would run for president. He will speak on Wednesday and will be willing to answer any questions on what is happening on the campaign trail, etc.
John's calendar of upcoming events included the kickoff for Larry Marek's campaign, occurring from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 6. Mr. Marek is a candidate for the office of State Representative. Governor Chet Culver will be present at at the kickofff, probably around 10 to 10:45 a.m., but people are invited to come for visiting and coffee and refreshments starting at 9:30 a.m.
Larry Marek said he is excited to do this and glad he was asked to do this. He said Kay Ciha is treasurer of this campaign venture, "which is a big commitment." He has served on the Fair Board Association. If elected, he could help the state by:
1. Creating good jobs from opportunities with renewable energy, to make cheaper fuel, etc. Ehtanol is in overproduction right now.
2. Placing a lot of emphasis on education. Teachers need more pay. We need to hold our youngsters in the state (of Iowa).
3. Maintaining our status in agriculture. We are strong in corn and beans. We could see some cattle coming back in. ... "When the cattle [production] left, the young families also were gone." He commented that Iowa is a really good place to raise a family, and livestock producers will be able to do that.
4. Working toward developments in renewable energy products. Lots of federal dollars are being spent on things like this.
5. Protecting our natural resources. Hog farming can be done better for simple economics. He has been involved with NRCS. Funds need to be available to help save the soil.
6. He would like to see taxes in line and in fair proportions, taxes done fairly and in balance. As one example, there could be some changes in capital gains taxes--and it should be easier for an older farmer to sell a farm to a young farmer.
Larry said, "There is some balance that needs to be looked into. ... With my farm experience and your help, I think I can do a good job."
He told about commodities' having been below cost in production. We have seen now that raw commodities have come up.
John's calendar includes the appearance of Governor Bill Richardson at noon Saturday, Oct. 6, at the Washington High School. Campaign organizer Travis Leavitt introuced new staffer, Will, and said, "We keep adding staff and building our base." An article will be appearing next month in The Nation about the Richardson surge.
It was noted that candidates Richardson and Chris Dodd are the only candidates who would commit to having all of our troops out of Iraq by their second term.
John said John Edwards will be at the Washington High School at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 6. Laura, campaign organizer for Edwards, introduced new worker, Alyssa, and added that this is Alyssa's birthday. They spoke about having members of the Legislature see what it's like to be without health care insurance coverage for at least a few days, if they do not have a universal health plan ready by July. They reminded us that Edwards will accept no money from lobbyists or people in/from Washington, D.C.
Chris Dodd will be at Cafe Dodici in Washington on Sunday, Oct. 7, at 12:45. His campaign worker, Ruth, spoke and said that his campaign is as busy as everyone else's. He took part in a forum in Davenport Sept. 20, and she has the link so that anyone can view that forum. She said that one thing Dodd is committed to doing is providing a secure, dignified retirement for seniors; he has a detailed plan to make seniors's lives more enjoyable and secure. His heart is also with the middle class. She said Mr. Dodd had called Secretary of Treasury Bernanke to discuss issues again facing the middle class, such as subprime lending; soon afterward, the mortgage interest rates went down somewhat.
Ruth pointed out that we will have a unique opportunity to see the candidates and compare and contrast their stance on issues of importance to us. She said that Chris Dodd was the first of the candidates to agree to appear at the Johnson County fairground barbecue event this coming weekend; afterward, all of the other candidates decided to come, too.
Bonnie Bannister spoke for Sen. Hillary Clinton, as the field organizer could not be present this evening.
It is not known at this time when Sen. Clinton will come to Washington. She will be at the Johnson County barbecue event, and Governor Culver will be endorsing her. Sen. Clinton will make an address in Cedar Rapids on Sunday, Oct. 7, at a site yet to be announced.
John told of other appearances: Senator Biden and his wife and sons Hunter and Beau will be at the Johnson County fairground. Sen. Biden will be at the Chadwick Library on the Iowa Wesleyan campus in Mt. Pleasant on Friday, Oct. 5.
John recognized Ferd Marie, who has previously organized an October wiener roast, and suggested that it could be done in November this year.
Sandra confirmed that the annual Jefferson Jackson Day dinner would be Saturday, Nov. 10, 2007.
Sandra introduced two women from the 2nd District who had come to visit and to see how other Democratic parties handled things. One of the women had lost her son last January; he could not afford health insurance.
Secretary Louise Frakes could not be present this evening. The minutes for the Sept. meeting will be on the program. Mike moved that the minutes be approved, Dave Smithers seconded, and the motion carried.
Treasurer Kay Ciha gave the financial report covering the time between 9/4/07 to 10/2/07. In September there was a total of $999.99 in the treasury. Participation in a candidates' session at the county fair had netted $6.90. No bills were turned in to be paid. Cash on hand as of October 2 was $1,006.95. These financial statements will be placed on record.
Kay reported that we have 73 households as members. We had 74 last month. Chuck Hotle's death meant that we lost one.
Dave Smithers from the 2nd District said they'd had no meetings as yet but would get going on that.
There had been a 2nd District training session for activists, candidates and caucus organizers. No one present knew the amount of money raised. Some people thought it was overpriced, and only 25 attended it. This was in hopes of having college students caucus in their hometowns--otherwise they may not caucus at all. Fred mentioned that the Republican Party has on its platform the outlawing of students' registering to vote in the college towns where they are located.
Sandra distributed some copies of maps showing the proposed county redistricting, for the purpose of electing five county supervisors, one from each district chosen by the residents of that district. A goal of redistricting had been to try to stay within as many township lines as possible.
A public hearing is scheduled for 7 p.m. October 10 in the courthouse. At that time questions can be addressed. If anyone has another proposal, the public hearing would be the time to discuss and/or submit it; the proposals must be in writing.
The question arose: If supervisor candidates failed to get a plurality vote, how would the winner be decided? Would it go to county convention?
There was discussion about the redistricting and whether it would impact existing precincts--13 now, soon to be changed to 10--in setting up the cuacuses.
Sandra and Kay will try to get answers. Sandra reminded us that the public hearing would be the venue for airing these questions.
Patty Roe reported on the recent school board election, and said that the returning board member brought a lot of experience. Jeff Dieleman had been elected to fill the seat vacated by Jim Gorham.
Mike commented that Renewable Energy on Parade had been good. This was met with applause and favorable comments.
Everett Burham asked who would decide when the caucuses would be held, and how soon would the decision be made. Sandra said that that state secretary, in conjunction with the governor, would decide.
Everett asked: "And when will the decision be made, and by whom, on who will preside at that caucus? We'd decided on caucus chairs a month ago."
Sandra said we should have that at the next meeting, and, "Our understanding is that Iowa caucus dates cannot be set until we know when New Hampshire will have their caucus night."
We discussed our next meeting time, which would regularly occur on Nov. 6. This is also the day of our all-city referendum vote. Terry moved to hold the meeting at the regulary scheduled time, Nov. 6 at 7 p.m. Bob S. seconded, and motion carried, with one abstention.
Pete questioned whether that meeting would be at the required distance of at least 500 feet from the polling site, since 4th Ward polling place is also in Halcyon House. Fred pointed out that this election is non-partisan. Sandra will check with the county auditor for clear instructions so that we will do the right thing.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Nan Stark, secretary pro tem
Minutes Nov. 6 2007
Sandra Johnson, Chair, called the meeting to order.
An item of Old Business (No. 6 on the agenda) was moved up on the agenda. Tina Thomas, from the county redistricting commission, needed to go to another appointment after speaking to our group. Tina explained that one goal of the commission had been to make sure there was a population figure of 4,134 in each district. The commission used figures from the 2000 census blocks. While redistricting has resulted in significant distances between polling places, she pointed out that absentee voting would be an option as well as early voting (courthouse is open for voting for one or two Saturday mornings preceding an election).
The next stage of the redistricting process is to work with county auditor Bill Fredrick and to send the plan on to the state. An ordinance must be passed, as well. Once the plan is approved by the state, it is sent back to us as approved. After an additional 26 days, the commission will be disbanded.
Currently the members are working on legal descriptions of the district boundaries. They had to follow a lot of rules and regulations.
A question-and-answer period followed.
2. Next in the regular order of the agenda, John Greener, Events chair, introduced guests.
For the Biden campaign, Polly Savage spoke and introduced Barbara Grogg and John Hugh from Delaware. Ms. Grogg spoke for Sen. Joe Biden, saying he had been a famous person in the state of Delaware for more than 30 years; one of his sons has recently been named attorney general for Delaware. Sen. Biden has a number of family members helping with his campaign.
Terry Philips introduced Brian Bailey from New Hampshire. Brian hails from New Hampshire and says he is enjoying it here. He is an organizer for the Chris Dodd campaign.
Alyssa spoke from the John Edwards campaign. One activity the Edwards people enjoyed was a recent picnic. And she said John Edwards had received a number of CIU endorsements. She urged us to check out his most recent television ad; the things he says in the ad are true. She pointed out that he had visited in all 99 counties of Iowa--for the second time. She said that he is "not just a one-policy candidate."
Joe Katz, organizer for the Lee County area of the Burlington campaign office for New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, was the next speaker. The original Richardson organizer for Washington County was called away by a death in the family. Mr. Katz said Gov. Richardson has worked on a veterans health care plan that would enable veterans to receive health care at their local hospitals as well as at a Veterans Administration Hospital--they would have that choice. Also, Gov. Richardson had presented a Purple Heart posthumously for a serviceman killed in the Korean War, who had been from Independence, Iowa. He had also helped to get the remains of soldiers from that war back to their families. Mr. Katz said that Gov. Richardson has the longest track record of turning the great ideas--which all of the candidates have--into realities. And New Mexico will have health care available for everyone by the end of next year.
A house party for Richardson supporters will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 8, at 2866 Vine Avenue, Crawfordsville.
Alice Curtain spoke about the Clinton campaign; she is the new organizer for Washington County. Sen. Clinton will open an office in the Fishback Fotography store in Washington, probably by the end of this week. Alice is trying to arrange for Sen. Clinton to visit Washington in person.
Steve Maxon spoke for Dennis Kucinich, who today made a motion in the House seeking to open debate on articles of impeachment of vice president Richard Cheney. Sen. Kucinich also has a resolution for universal health care, including mental health. Steve pointed out that an online poll has shown that the majority of respondants have chosen Sen. Kucinich.
Kiana Scott spoke for Barack Obama, who will be coming to Muscatine, Burlington and Fort Madison on Wednesday, and on Fairfield on Thursday morning.
Bonnie Bannister gave an excellent admonishment on our wholeheartedly supporting whoever wins the Democratic nomination. She also told about her involvement in Sen. Clinton's Women in Leadership groups.
3. Next the agenda dealt with minutes of the October meeting, which had been sent by e-mail. Terry moved to approve them, John seconded, and minutes were accepted.
4. Treasurer Kay Ciha gave the treasurer's report, covering the time period from Oct. 2, 2007, to Nov. 6, 2007. Cash on hand at the beginning was $1,006.95. One membership of $30 was added, and there were no expenses. Cash available as of Nov. 6, 2007, is $1,036.95. Mike moved to accept the report. Tom seconded, and motion carried.
5. Committee Reports
Membership--Kay Ciha reported that we have 74 households. Three members have died--Chuck Hotle, Betty Krueger, and Phyllis Carter.
Events--John Greener said he had no special upcoming events to announce--but the opening of the Clinton campaign office in Washington is a special event. He said we need to turn each one into a special event.
John asked about the possibility of renewing memberships early, since caucus time is coming and there are expenses. The consensus answer was affirmative.
Sandra said tickets for balcony seating for the Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner Saturday, Nov. 10, are sold out.
Terry Philips reported on the Democratic Veterans Caucus meeting at the Richardson campaign headquarters in Des Moines Saturday, Nov. 10, at 10 a.m. Veterans have been experiencing lengthy delays between applying for benefits and actually receiving them. Veterans at the caucus will draw up a criteria of four points of honor, and will ask every presidential candidate to sign it. The situation now is as if, after veterans have served us, we turn our backs on them. The candidates will be asked: "How are you going to honor the contract with veterans?"
6. Old Business.
Caucus training for Keokuk, Mahaska, and Washington counties was held Nov. 3 at the Public Library in Sigourney. Sandra was very happy with the outcome. Attending were Sandra, Terry Philips, Everett Burham, Kay Ciha, Judy Goodrich, Harold Frakes, Bonnie Bannister, Ceanne Alvine, Steve Maxon, Les Lamping and Barb Edmondson.
New precincts--we studied the material about the new precinct sites and temporary chairs. Sandra has been checking into having a template format provided for secretaries to follow, to make recording simpler and minutes more uniform.
We were given the opportunity to express a preference to try to get by with the original 13 precincts. Consensus was to move ahead with the 10 precincts now.
John said he believed we would need more than one chair--such as, a chair, an assistant, and a secretary. He also believed we should have at least two precincts at every site, and would so move.
Everett asked to "weigh in on that" and said he was 1,000 percent supportive of this evaluation. He suggested that the temporary chairs listed could each name an assistant and a secretary; and on caucus night the group would immediately elect whomever they want as permanent chair, assistant and secretary. Having the temporary people lined up ahead of time would expedite the procedures; up to 30 minutes will be allowed on every issue. So that these people can be knowledgeable, it would help for all 30 of the temporary people to meet to discuss "a common operating platform."
John said, "This is right; organizing is going to be a key problem."
The state does not need to be informed on the names of the two additional helpers in each precinct.
There was consensus agreement that each precinct temporary chair will have his or her "team" of temporary helpers.
Harold Frakes spoke about county secrectary Louise, whose health is improving. She may be able to come home from the hospital in a few days.
7. New Business.
Caucus on Nov. 3 starts at 6:30 p.m.; registration must be completed between 6:30 and 7 pm. Participants must be registered, or at least in line to register, by 7 p.m.
8. The next county meeting will be a Christmas party with pizza at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 4 in Halcyon House Day Lounge.
Terry moved to adjourn, Fred Stark seconded, and meeting was adjourned.
Platform - County Convention March 4, 2006
PZ - Environmental Planning & Zoning
Be it resolved that the livestock buildings sighting requirements shall be a local prerogative.
ER - Environment Enhancement and Regulation
Be it resolved that legislation be enacted to mandate energy efficient engines and alternative energy sources.
Be it resolved that the State government and the EPA unite to fully implement and enforce the Clean Water and Clean Air Act against corporate animal farms and factories.
Be it resolved we support research into clean alternative energy sources and mass transit.
SE - Environmental Safe Energy
Be it resolved we support significant increase in government support for clean, renewable, and efficient fuel technologies
SA - Structure of Agriculture
Be it resolved we support major reform of America’s agriculture policy, primarily through the Government’s shift of support from the large animal factories to family-scale enterprises.
Be it resolved we support organic and sustainable agricultural practices, and the creation of locally produced "value added" products.
US - U.S. Agricultural Policy
Be it resolved that we support full funding of the Resource Enhancement And Protection Program (REAP) from the Environment First Fund.
WR - Workers Rights and Safety
Be it resolved that we support immigration reform.
PI - Pension and Insurance
Be it resolved that we support the current ratio of employee/employer contributions for the Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement Systems (IPERS) and support a level of funding based on actuarial assumptions.
ED - Economic Development
Be it resolved that Iowa place more economic development emphasis on small businesses.
Be it resolved that additional support be given to NASA.
Be it resolved that we support the creation of millions of jobs by moving quickly to rebuild America’s infrastructure.
LW - Living Wage
Be it resolved the minimum wage be increased and future increases be indexed to the cost of living.
Be it resolved that we support the right of every U.S. eligible worker to gainful employment with a living wage.
TS - Transportation Services
Be it resolved that no foreign country of company be allowed to manage U. S. Ports.
JS - Job Security
Be it resolved that special incentives and tax breaks negatively affecting working people be eliminated.
TR - Trade Regulations
Be it resolved that we support trade agreements that ensure protection of U.S. workers rights, human rights, and environmental quality.
Be it resolved we support tax penalties for corporations "outsourcing" jobs to other countries.
BT - Budget and Taxation
Be it resolved that tax cuts enacted by the United States Congress in 2003 pertaining to the taxpayers earning over 200k be rescinded and the Federal Budget be balanced.
Be it resolved the State and Federal Governments shall be required to account for the collection all State and Federal funds earmarked for specific projects through a public record.
Be it resolved that the state shall renew and fund the Homestead Exemption and the Veterans Exemption for property taxes.
SA - Student Aid
Be it resolved that the State of Iowa shall increase post secondary grants and loans.
SP - Public School Programming
Be it resolved to support federal funding for reproductive health services and age-appropriate medically accurate sex education.
SN - Special Needs
Be it resolved that we call on Congress to support full Federal funding of Special Education.
SF - School Funding
Be it resolved that we oppose diverting public monies away from public schools to fund vouchers, tuition tax credits, or private for-profit education businesses.
Be it resolved that we support providing adequate funding for public schools at every level, from pre-school through college.
Be it resolved that we support Federal and State funding of college tuition for qualified residents at public and state universities.
Be it resolved that the State of Iowa shall increase post secondary grants and loans
Be it resolved that funding be increased on a per student basis for community college in order to decrease tuition rates.
ST - Standards
Be it resolved we support the repeal of "No Child Left Behind Law".
CR - Civil Rights
Be it resolved that we support the repeal of the Patriot Act
TS - Taxes and Social Security
Be it resolved that we oppose the diversion of Social Security funds for any other programs or projects.
Be it resolved we support cuts in non-personnel defense budge of approximately 15 percent to avoid the need to cut essential military protection programs.
Be it resolved that the Homeland Security Program preserve Americans rights and freedoms and be funded appropriately.
Be it resolved that we support providing adequate state and federal funding for public safety, human services programs, and basic county and city services.
CE - Campaigns & Elections
Be it resolved that the president shall be elected by popular vote.
Be it resolved that every vote cast shall have a paper copy.
Be it resolved that Congress adopt a strict code of ethics and a commission be established to investigate possible violations. .
Be it resolved that lobbyists be banned from giving gifts and travel to members of Congress and their staffs.
Be it resolved that members of Congress be restricted from lobbying for two years after their term.
Be it resolved we support a public funding system for presidential campaigns.
Be it resolved we support the posting of lobbying contacts on the internet so the public can assess the impact of lobbying on public policy making.
Be it resolved that we support limiting all Federal and State elected and appointed officials to a two consecutive terms in their respective elected and/or appointed positions.
CJ - Criminal Justice
Be it resolved that we support the impeachment and removal of the President, George W. Bush, and Vice-President, Richard Cheney, for high crimes and misdemeanors for the run-up to and prosecution of the Iraq War.
IN - Internet
Be is resolved that internet and communication providers be required to protect their clients from viruses, spy-ware and scammers.
Be it resolved that the State of Iowa collect taxes on Internet and mail order purchases
GR - Reasonable Gun Regulation
Be it resolved we support a ban on assault rifles and "Saturday night specials".
VE - Veterans
Be it resolved the Federal Government provide reasonable benefits and care for veterans.
PG - Participation in Government
Be it resolved Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Marianas be granted a final resolution.
Be it resolved that full constitutional privileges be given to the residents of the District of Columbia.
Be it resolved that the English Only Law be repealed.
Be it resolved that Congress must act upon a bill that relates to only one issue and what is relevant to that issue, with unrelated riders and amendments strictly prohibited.
Be it resolved that the United States increase the amount of humanitarian international aid.
Be it resolved that the United States renounce the first use of nuclear weapons.
Be it resolved that the United States support a ban on the development and testing of nuclear weapons.
Be it resolved that the United States provide adequate peacekeeping and redevelopment funding for Afghanistan and Iraq.
Be it resolved that full constitutional privileges shall be given to the residents of the District of Columbia.
UH – Universal Health Coverage
Be it resolved that the United States shall institute a single payer universal health care system making Medicare available for all residents.
Be it resolved the government shall guarantee access to affordable health care coverage for every resident of the United States.
Be it resolved that we support Medicare regulations that shall fairly reimburse the qualified healthcare professionals and medical facilities in Iowa.
SC - Stem Cell Research
Be it resolved we support federal support for stem cell research.
ES - Elderly Services
Be it resolved that seniors be allowed to receive health care services in their home.
CI - Health Care Initiatives
Be it resolved that the medical use of marijuana be legalized,
CC - Health Care Costs
Be it resolved that the state and federal government support through increased funding, all Veterans Hospitals.
Be it resolved we support the state of Iowa’s use of its purchasing power to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies for the best prices on prescription drugs, and pass those discounts on to residents.
Be it resolved that any government health care system be allowed to bargain for the cost of drugs.
SH - Safety in Healthcare
Be it resolved we support the state of Iowa to ban all advertising of prescription drugs through the media.
RL - The rule of Law
Be it resolved we support the establishment of a Cabinet Level Department of Peace and recognition of the World Court.
TN - Treaty Negotiations
Be it resolved that the United States Senate ratify and participate in the following treaties and conventions:
Rome Statute creating an International Criminal Court.
U.N. Convention on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women.
U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
Biological Weapons Convention Protocol
Ottawa Treaty to Ban Landmines
U.N. Kyoto Treaty on Global Warming.
Be it resolved the United States comply with the International Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
CU - Cuba (relations with)
Be it resolved that we support normalization of relations with Cuba.
HT - Humane treatment
Be it resolved to support federal funding for voluntary international family planning.
Be it resolved that prisoners and detainees be treated in accordance with the Geneva Convention.
ME - The Middle East
Be it resolved that the federal government shall endorse a Middle East policy consistent with international law.
Be it resolved that we support replacement of American troops in Iraq by internationally sponsored Muslim nations’ peace keeping forces.
RT - Response to Terrorism
Be it resolved the United States work with other nations to eliminate terrorist networks and resolve international conflicts.
Be it resolved we support strengthening international institutions and cooperative diplomacy to eliminate the use of weapons.